Chapter 24- Unbelievable

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 WARNING!!! R rated chapter!!! If you do NOT fancy these types of content or you're under-aged please SKIP this chapter. But if you still wanna read this; proceed with caution :P

Rosalyn's POV
I was with my face towards the wall, just standing beneath the water, letting my mind be cleared from all thoughts when I felt two hands rest on my hip. "ahh!" A loud scream escaped my mouth as I jumped, turning around to get out of the persons grip. My mouth almost dropped open as I turned around, facing Justin. He was completely naked standing right in front of me! For a moment there my mind went in shock from what it was seeing but I couldn't allow myself to stare right now so I quickly spoke. "J-Justin what are you doing in here? H-how did you get in?" I nervously asked trying to cover my front parts with my hands. "Does it matter? I'm already here" he answered softly leaning in causing me to lean a bit back. Well no matter how creep that sound, he had a point. He was already here and he definitely needed to get out. 

"Justin leave please" I strictly spoke out. But inside I was trying desperately to cover my nervousness. "I wish I could" Justin answered pressing me closer into him. Why was he acting like this? He just yelled at me some minutes ago.  My waist was now pressed against his' as the hand covering my breasts was the only thing in between us. I could feel my heartbeat getting quicker as I knew I was getting weaker. "Please let go of me" I spoke out again, extending my head back. "You don't want that" Justin instantly answered protesting me, looking straight into my eyes. Damn it, not his eyes! I turned my head to the side to avoid his look but he slowly brought it right back, locking my gaze on his eyes. "Say it once again and I'll leave, I promise" He whispered ever so sweetly. I couldn't get my gaze away from his eyes. I stared right back in his eyes as he started leaning in. 

What was I doing? Say something!! I wanted to! I really wanted to say something but It was like I was getting lost in his eyes; like somehow he was controlling me with them, kind of like what I felt the first time in the club. They were the same soft caramel brown color but this time they were different, they read sincerity and affection. The way they looked down at me was just lovely. My heartbeat was at its upper pace right now. I couldn't do anything anymore, I felt powerless. Justin was only inches away now. I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips being pressed against mine. I instantly felt like a light struck through my body, sending Goosebumps all over it. My lips felt numb at his touch but innocently obeyed his movements. His mouth covered mine in such passion, locking my thin lips in between his each time. I was lost in the kiss and I had no idea what I was doing. 

Justin slowly started backing me up and my feet willingly let their self being guided into the wall. Removing his lips from mine he flawlessly placed them onto my neck, sucking lightly on it. I automatically tilted my head aside allowing Justin to get a better spot on my neck. He traced his tongue delicately onto my neck and up to my ear making me bite my lip in pleasure. I could tell Justin was caught up in this moment as well. Only the sound of the pouring water and the presence of our intense breaths were audible. After licking all the way up to my ear he started placing small kisses down my shoulders and to my arms which were still protectively covering my breasts. But I honestly didn't know how much longer I could hold that since Justin was now in total control of me. 

Seeing that I wasn't going to let go of my breast Justin came back up to my face, interlocking our lips back together. He held onto my neck and chin as he snuck his tongue in and instantly started exploring my mouth intensely. He took in every centimeter of my mouth, not wanting to miss a bit and I followed his lead. Justin's right hand slid down from my neck to my left thigh, and I felt as he brought it up to his waist. I had no idea what he was doing since my attention was on the heated kiss, till I felt Justin's wet fingers playing around my clit. I flinched at the coldness instantly intending to pull away but Justin quickly pinned me hard against the wall, shoving his finger deep inside me. My body got a struck of pleasure instantly hitching my breath. "agh God!" I hissed out a moan against Justin lips and I instantly lost the grip on my breasts to grab hold of Justin’s neck. 

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