Chapter 3- The Visit

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Chapter 3- The Visit

Rosalyn’s POV

A sharp pain on my jaw caused me to roll over in bed and wake. I sat up as I guided my hand to the source of the pain. It felt like it was swollen. That’s when I remembered what happened, he hit me and I blacked out. I gasped at the reminisce of it. Did he really do that? or am I making this up? I wasn't all that conscious last night. I looked around confused as I found myself in my room. Quickly removing my hand from my jaw I pulled away the blankets that were covering me to examine my body, searching desperately for clues but of course I got nothing. I still had all my clothes on from last night. I was getting paranoid as so many questions were hitting my head right now and I didn’t have the answers. How did I get here? What did he do to me? What happened last night after I blacked out? What is going on?. It was hurting my head. “Mom!” I shouted at the top of my longs, running out of my room and strolling down the stairs, breathing heavily. I almost felt like crying it all out on my mom but my body completely froze as I got downstairs. 

Justin’s POV

The scene of how I hit the girl against the face making her fall unconscious as I caught her, replayed several times in my head. I wasn't supposed to do that but I couldn’t control myself. It felt good bringing out my anger but I had to be careful now, I have to make sure that girl does not speak a word of what happened, I have to make her fear me even more, I knew exactly what I was gonna do. The clock showed 8:14 AM as I got out of bed, into the bathroom and got ready. I strolled downstairs and I smiled finding my mom in the living room, reading. “morning” I spoke. She lifted up her head smiling back at me. “well you’re up early and looking happy” I chuckled as she slid down her glasses, walking up to me “good morning sweetheart” she spoke hugging me. I returned the hug then pull away as she looked happily into my eyes. I love my mom, she always notices when something is up with me and cares for me. “so what has you so happy” she spoke not broking eye-contact with me. I smiled down at her “you’ll find out soon mom, I’ll be back for breakfast” placing a kiss on her forehead I walked off to the front door. “okay honey be careful” I heard mom soft voice from behind and with that I head of to my car and out of the gates of my house, to Rosalyn’s house.

Pattie’s POV

Justin looked so happy as he walked out of the door. I have no idea what has him like that but it brightened me to see him that way. After what seemed like times of hell that he had gone through, as his mom I was beyond happy to see that he worked through. My Justin was back indeed. I smiled at my thoughts, sighing and walked back to the book I was reading.

Justin’s POV

I parked outside Rosalyn’s house and walked to the door, ringing the bell. I waited up as the door opened, showing Rosalyn’s Mom. “hi Miss Avery” I spoke putting my most innocent face on. Judging by the happy look on her face I could say that Rosalyn didn’t tell her anything yet or at least she didn’t get the chance to and she confirmed my thoughts as she spoke. “Please Justin, I told you yesterday, call me Margareth, come in, Rosalyn is still asleep but make yourself at home” she greeted smiling big at me. I returned the smile, stepping in and standing in the door entrance. “I just came to see how Rosalyn is doing and see if maybe she’d like to go out with me tonight” Rosalyn’s Mom mouth dropped open smiling in surprise, but soon as she tried to speak we heard a loud Yell catching our attention and footsteps running downstairs.

Not a minute after a pale looking Rosalyn appeared down, breathing heavy and looking like she was about to burst out. She had the same dress on that I brought her home in, which definitely looked hotter on her in the daylight. I quickly roamed her body then ended up at her face, the look on her face instantly showed fear as she saw me and I liked it. She stood paralyzed and a smirk urge to spread on my face but with Rosalyn’s Mom there I covered it, licking my lips and maintain my normal look. “Rosalyn, you’re friend Justin here, he came to visit and ask you out, so I’ll leave you two alone” Rosalyn’s mom spoke giggling looking at Rosalyn then back at me. I could tell Rosalyn desperately wanted to stop her mom from leaving but with me glaring at her, she didn’t dare to. I smiled at Rosalyn’s Mom as she walked out of the house. As soon as she closed the door, my smile turned into a smirk, looking at the breathless Rosalyn in front of me. She took a step back, reaching for the stairs but I caught her wrist dragging her back down forcefully.

“Not so fast shawty, it’s not nice to walk away from your guests” I said sarcastically. She went to open her mouth but I cupped my hand around her jaw and squeezed her mouth corners so she couldn’t speak. She winced at the pain and then looked at me with pleading eyes but I couldn’t care. I pushed her head backwards into the wall and bent down my face to her right ear, so we were cheek to cheek. “Now listen carefully, Things are going to be different from now on, it’s not in your convenience to do anything I didn’t tell you to so if for a second you thought of telling your mom or anyone what’s going on, you better think again because even if you did tell anyone, no one will believe you so you might as well make it easier for yourself and do as I say, understood” she didn’t move so I tightened my grip on her jaw. She got the message and nodded her head yes.

I pulled away looking at her and loosened my hand on her jaw “good girl, now I’ll see you back tonight at 8, dress nice” just as I walked back to the door a big haired dog came barking, I looked at the dog. It was a cute retriever that kinda reminded me of Sammy my dog. “He’s a really a nice dog” I said blankly.  Rosalyn didn’t even look at me as she still stood in the same position I left her against the wall but now holding her cheek. I smirked at how shocked she looked and walked out of the door proudly closing it. Looking around at my surroundings, I got into my car and drove off home. I hope this little Visit, made things clear to her.

Rosalyn’s POV

I couldn’t believe what just happened. I stood dead pale, leaning against the wall looking down. Tears filled my eyes and my body was lightly shaking. He was a monster. Coming back to my senses I ran upstairs to my room and let myself fall on my bed crying. Glitter came over and sat down next to me in silent as if she was trying to tell me that she’s there to support me. I pulled her into a hug and just sobbed my tears in her hair. At some point I heard my mom come back home but I wasn’t in the mood for her excitement so I pretended to be asleep. I stayed like that till the night approached.

Will Rosalyn go out with Justin?? And how will this all end?


I will keep Posting if the story is interesting for the readerss <3 Please comment.

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