Chapter 30- Concert & Unwishful encounter

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Rosalyn’s POV

I woke up slowly as sun rays beamed through a window and onto me. My vision was blurry and it felt like my eyes was being prevented from opening by an extreme pain that was coming from my head. It quickly came to me that I must have blacked out last night when Justin hit me. Ibrought my hand to my head as it pounded harder from just thinking of what happened last night. Ugh I hate him! I swiftly forced my eyes opened and rubbed my head meanwhile I cleared my vision so I could take in my surroundings. I encountered myself in a room but not a normal one. The windows were small and tinted and the place looked really nice. It was a proper size and everything looked expensive. That's when it hit me. We're on the bus of course, that's why Justin was packing yesterday. But where are we? And where is everyone?

I stood up slowly from bed not wanting to awake the headache in my head even more and made my way out of the room bit by bit. I got out into what looked like the kitchen and living room. It was all really beautiful but empty. I walk up to the closest window and peaked outside. The top of a high ceiling building was visible. There were big iron fences covered with long plastic papers and if I placed my ear a little more onto the window I could hear light screams of a nearby crowd. I frowned my eyebrows not understanding where I was but I couldn’t stay in here the whole day. I made my way into the bathroom, brushing my teeth, showering my body and got dressed in

I studied my face into the mirror and luckily no bruise was clearly formed yet, only a light blue spot which was coverable with some make-up. It hurt like hell though. I sighed getting pissed as I remembered what Justin did. He’s a monster and I hate him!! I could not tell how much I hated him!! Damn it! I inhaled a big breath as tears started menacing to get down on my face. I quickly pulled my head up, choking the tears back up as I was not going to cry again. It was absolutely no use to cry, nothing would change anyways. I convinced myself and calmed down as I walked out of the bathroom. The pain in my head had soothingly died down now and I’m thankful for that. I made my way out of the tour bus quietly and onto a big parking lot.

I immediately noticed Justin’s range rover parked outside there, and a bunch of more black cars and vans. So they had to be somewhere around here. I walked clueless through the big parking lot, looking around at everything to see if I could figure out where I was but nothing."Good day miss, you had a long sleep" a voice from behind me made me snap. I flinched turning to look at Kenny who had obviously noticed he scared me. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you I was just guarding the tour bus” Kenny immediately said trying to calm me. “No, it's okay I’m fine, I just thought everybody left” I answered him catching my breath. “Oh no, Justin and the crew had to go though, he's performing now but he left me to guard for you; you know for safety reasons” Kenny acknowledged. Safety reasons? I wonder why I don’t believe that. I thought inwardly rolling my eyes. "Thank you" I answered him smiling.

"You’re very welcome, if you like you can go follow the concert inside, it's about to be over or just preferably stay behind these fences if you don’t want to be attacked by fans" Kenny added making me laugh. I did not remotely want to interact with Justin but I also didn't want to be alone in the bus. I guess he will be performing so he won’t know I’m backstage. “I’ll hang backstage for a while" I answered Kenny and he instantly nodded as he started guiding me right away into the backstage entrance of the building. Once inside I took notice of the whole building, it was really big. Justin’s voice was clearly heard over the millions of screaming fans. He was singing One less lonely girl. I walked behind Kenny looking around at everything as we made our way further into the building until something immediately caught my eye. I came to an automatic stop in front of this big flat screen, looking amazed at the screen.

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