Chapter 10- The gathering

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*5 Days later*

Justin’s POV

There were people going in and out my house. Placing speakers, bringing in beverages and everything else that was needed for the gathering tonight. Almost my whole family, friends and crew was coming. Everyone was here to see me before I take off for tour. Some were here to say goodbye and some to celebrate the start of my tour. I got ready as I thought about Rosalyn; I haven’t been able to see her these last days but I’m sure she didn’t do anything stupid. I took good care of that. Today I was gonna see her again; she probably knew that my tour would be starting tomorrow but there’s just a tiny detail she didn’t know yet. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when I tell her; I smirked, strolling downstairs, to my car and off to Rosalyn’s.

Rosalyn’s POV 

I stood in my bathroom mirror again, looking at the scratches on my neck and collar bone; they finally became faded scars. Only 2 of the ones on my bum were still visible and the bruise on my jaw was long gone but I still covered it with makeup though. It was 5 days now (almost a week) since I’ve last seen Justin. Since the day of the video clip he hasn’t been able to be around me until today. You’d think it was 5 days off, well it wasn’t. Justin had people surrounding my house making sure I didn’t go anywhere. Plus there were paparazzo’s going around the house trying to catch a glimpse of me every time I’d get the mail or throw trash away.

I’ve tried telling my mom about what’s been going on between me and Justin but she was never home either she’s working or she’s out partying and when she’s home she just wouldn’t listen. She’d keep telling me that I’m just trying to get her to talk her mouth through; I just didn’t understand what she was talking about. I had nobody but Glitter, unbelievable how I was held hostage in my own house. But above all that, I was happy now because I knew Justin’s tour was starting tomorrow meaning he’ll leave for good. Today was the last day I’ll see Justin.

I looked at my clock that showed 6:38 PM and went downstairs.  Just then I heard Justin’s car arrive. “Well you look happy today, somebody got laid” my mom sarcastically joked. “Mom please”.  I kissed mom and glitter goodbye and walked off to the door, opening it and walking towards the car. Justin greeted me with a peck on my cheeks, since that was how he would usually greet me lately and we drove off. I had no idea where he was taking me till he pulled up into the driveway of a big house which I assumed was his. “Why are we here?” I asked looking at Justin as he parked his car inside. “You’re meeting my family” he answered blankly getting out of the car.

I got out to and followed him inside the house. The house was big from the outside but from the inside it was huge and really nice decorated. When we got inside Justin immediately walked to this beautiful young woman who was talking to some older people. He told them something and then gestured me to come over. I could feel my nerves taking over me. I walked towards them and the lady was looking at me smiling widely. “Mom, grandpaps, this is Rosalyn, Rosalyn this is my mom and my grandparents” Justin spoke introducing us. I noticed he didn’t use the word girlfriend and I kinda felt relieved, or didn't I.

“Finally meeting you” Justin’s mom said pulling me into a hug which I gladly returned before continuing talking. “So this is the mysterious reason why you’ve been so happy these last days” his mom spoke looking to both of us. I smiled looking at Justin, not knowing what his mom was referring to. He just smiled fakely, and shook his head “Too much mom”. “I’m Pattie Mallette, Justin’s mom but please call me Pattie” Justin’s mom spoke again. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Pattie” I said before being moved by Justin directly to meeting his grandparents. “You are such a beautiful girl” “Justin sure won the lottery with you” they commented as I greeted them.

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