Chapter 8- Free Time

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Rosalyn’s POV

I woke up and the first thing I did was check my phone. I let out a calming breath as I noticed there were neither missed calls nor messages from Justin’s number. But it’s strange though.  I looked at my clock frowning, it was pass 9 AM already. He must still be asleep or doing something else I don’t care about. As long as he’s not here it’s fine with me. I stepped out of my bed and into my bathroom. Took a look at my scratches which were slowly turning into scars. The ones on my thighs were small so they already fade away only tiny parts of it were visible. I trailed my fingers on them as I remembered how Justin hit me. I felt my tears coming up from anger but I took a big breath and cover them up. Shaking those feelings off I went and took a quick shower, brush my teeth and got dressed. I rolled my eyes when picking my outfit, knowing that I still had to wear long sleeves and things that cover up my scars. All because of that monster!! I picked out a tank top and a jacket to cover it up. 

I walked downstairs finding my mom in the living room, watching tv. “Good morning there, you’re early” she said turning her head towards me. “I could say the same” I said back halfly smiling and walking up to glitter. “I’m taking her for a walk” I said to my mom before getting the pet leash on Glitters necklace. “Isn’t Justin coming today?” my mom asked. There she goes again with Justin. Gosh it was like all she knew was Justin. My only few hours without having to deal with Justin and she just has to remind me that he exists.T I took a deep breath as I stood up with the lace ready to walk out. My mom watched my every move intensely as she was waiting for her response. “I don’t know mom, I’ll be back soon” with that I walked to the door leaving my phone behind purposively so no one can contact me. “Okay be safe”. I stepped out with glitter closing the door behind me. Finally some alone time. I thought as I inhaled the fresh air and walked off with glitter. 

Justin’s POV

I parked out in front of Rosalyn’s house in the same spot I do every time and walked up to the door. Margareth opened up for me and I got in. “What a pleasant visit Justin” Rosalyn’s mom greeted me as we walked in. I immediately noticed Rosalyn’s phone placed on the table nearby the door. “yea I came to visit Rosalyn” I said smiling. “Oh Rose is not home she left with the dog, but please sit down I’ll make you breakfast as you wait for her okay handsome” Rosalyn’s mom said to me as she walked into the kitchen starting to prepare something. I smirked at the fact that Rose wasn’t home yet but then again she’s gonna get it for having left the house without telling me (first things first). I looked at Rosalyn’s Mom as she walked up and down the kitchen to put everything at me feet. It was amazing how blinded she was by me. What I had planned was gonna be fun and easy. I sat down at the counter and leaned closer to speak. 

Rosalyn’s POV

It’s been a few days since I’ve walked with glitter, it felt so peaceful. We walked far away into a near forest. There I unleashed her so she can explore through the rivers. I took off my jacket so I could run wild with her to. I felt free and happy for a moment. I wish I could stay here and not having to deal with anything that’s going on in my life right now.

The sound of thunder filled my ear announcing that there was rain coming. I hated thunder but right now I couldn’t care less. I wanted to have these moments forever. I never knew I’d say this but I want my normal life back. A life without Justin. With another loud sound of thunder the rain began to pour down and I knew that was my cue to leave. I put my jacket back on, called out Glitter to put her back on the leash and walk back home. On the way home I had the feeling somebody was watching me. But as I look back I saw no one so I figured it was just the sound of the pouring rain that annoys me. I held onto my jacket stronger as I made my way home. I opened up the front door fast to let both me and glitter step in from the rain. It was freaking cold.

Walking further in the house I noticed Justin and my mom sitting at the dinner table. My heart sank to the bottom of my feet when I saw him. I didn’t expect him here at this time. I didn't even notice his car out there. This is it, back to reality. I sighed standing pale looking at them. “Aren’t you going to say hi to Justin Rosalyn?!” My mom questioned in a demanding voice. She always plays that roll around Justin. “Y-yes uh hi Justin” I managed to spell out. “That’s more like it, I’ll leave you guys now so you can talk” my mom said winking at Justin then standing up and picking up the plates.

“Uh can me and Rosalyn go upstairs margareth?, I have something to show her” Justin asked before my mom went to the kitchen. “Yes of course make yourself at home Justin” My eyes widen at my moms response and since when does Justin call her by her name?! But that wasn't my biggest concern now. Justin smiled widely as he stood up from the table and walked to me. “You heard your mother, let’s go” he whispered to me as he put his left hand behind my back and slowly move me towards the stairs and up to my room.

What will happen in Rosalyn’s room?? What did Justin say to Margareth?

Posted 2 chapters today because they both we're not that long. The next chapter would be way longer I promise. Hope u enjoyed it :) please Comment so I know if i'm doing a good job or not.   Andthanks for taking the storyy <3

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