Chapter 23- "Falling Out"

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Justin's POV
I encountered myself wide awake now sitting in the empty quiet cell as I waited for scooter to come bail me out. Yep scooter was the only one I thought of whom could come get me outta this. Not that I wanted him to because if I could have bailed myself out, I gladly would! I didn’t want to see or deal with no one today. One of the cops was staring right at me while the other was really focused on eating his donuts. I maintained the same careless gaze I've been holding since I woke towards him. But he was seriously getting on my nerves and I bet he could see that through my eyes! I scoffed rolling my eyes at him looking the other way. They weren't the same cops as last night though, of course not. Those ones’ shift had already finished I should guess.

It feels like fucking eternity waiting on scooter with this stupid dumbfuck staring at me as if I was E.T. Just then I heard the door got opened and in came scooter. As soon as he stepped in he shot me a gaze of what I could expect later. I looked away calmly as scooter went and handled with the cops. He paid my bail and soon enough one of the cops opened up my cell releasing me. I was given back my belongings and after that I was ready to go. We walked out of the department in silent scooter following me closed behind looking pissed and he soon enough broke the silent. “Just what the hell were you thinking?!!” Scooter spat as soon as we reached the car. I looked at him blankly then looked down at the car door signaling him that I was waiting for him to buzz us open. “Unbelievable man!” he murmured shaking his head before he opened up for us.

We both got in; in silent and scooter drove off onto the road. I knew he wasn’t comforted with my silent and he was gonna bug about what happened probably till I’m back at the hotel. And I was right! Not even five minutes went by and he was already shaking his head in disbelief as he kept his gaze on the road in front of him. I could see him from the corner of my eye and I knew he was gonna say something. "The thing is I don't even understand what you were possibly doing on the road at that time and in that condition! You could have gotten yourself into a carcrash!! You know!! Are you aware of that?! No I don’t think you are!" He said raising his voice sounding a bit pissed. I was completely sober now, the last bits of the drug and alcohol that was in me has left my system. So I was clearly hearing him he did not have to fucking yell in my head.

As if that would make me tell him where I went last night. I sighed bringing my hand to my head and leaned it tiredly against the window. Now I really fucking preferred having stayed in that empty cell rather than letting scooter bail me out. That stupid staring cop was so worth it now! I forgot that he gets like this, but I guess he’s still better than my mother though. I brought my gaze out of the window and just stayed quiet. I really wasn't in the mood for his lectures, I got drunk, I got high, I drove my stupid ass all the way up to Selena’s just to get rejected once again, my car got dragged away, I spent the fucking night in detention on a hard bed, and honestly I don't need nobody to fucking remind me of all that, I'm a grown ass and I know the consequences of what I do.

I just fucking needed silence right now! Silence that's all I'm asking. Soon enough Scooter noticed I wasn't gonna say anything so he dropped the convo letting us drive in silent till we reached the hotel. He parked in front of the entrance and as soon as the car came to a stop I opened the door getting out. "Thanks" I murmured as I stepped outside. "We'll talk about this" scooter said from behind. I rolled my eyes angrily at his statement before I turned to face him. I knew he wasn't going to let it go that fast.  "As you wish" I spat sarcastically and with that being said I pushed the door closed, walking in to the hotel and straight towards the elevator up. I instantly noticed the stares of people on me. I remember getting them last night also but these were stranger but I didn't give a fuck. They probably knew already where I spent the night, I could expect that all over the tabloids for at least a whole week.

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