Chapter 2- Club Party

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Chapter 2- Club Party

 Rosalyn’s POV

We pulled up at a club called “Clevelander” and made our way in fast, as my mom knew one of the security guards at the door. As soon as we stepped in Loud music filled my ears from all angles. There were girls dancing half naked and people jumping and screaming around everywhere. I immediately hated it. I looked back at my mom whom obviously started enjoying along with the crowd already so I just pushed my way to the one of the bars and just leaned there. After some minutes of starring into the crowd, Mom appeared beside me with two drinks. “Here, drink it, it’ll make you more fun” she spoke in my ear before winking. I rolled my eyes at her and not wanting to argue right now I took a look at the drink before swallowing it down. I closed my eyes in disgust as the liquor burnt my throat “blaggh” I spat out. I had no idea what I just drank but I’m pretty sure I’ll never take that again. Mom chuckled and drank hers down to then aimed for my ear again. “kay now act sexy, there’s a hot guy coming your way” she said gazing at me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and started looking around the club. Mom murmured some last words I couldn’t understand. Just then I felt a light tap on my back. 

Justin’s POV

I was sitting in one of the dark corners of the club with a perfect view on the entrance. My eyes immediately captivated her as she entered the club, she had dark brown hair. I watched her every move as she walked through the screaming crowd uncomfortably. I would be stupid not to see that she was weakened by the environment. This was my chance. I placed down my drink and walked off to approach her. I placed a light tap on her shoulder back and she turned facing me. I almost gasped at her face. I was right, she had dark brown curved hair, round filled cheeks and light brown eyes that were now looking at me surprised. She had this thing in her face that almost resembled Selena; Just noticing that made me start to tense up but I broke it off immediately smiling and spoke.

Rosalyn’s POV

Feeling the tap on my back, I first paralyzed but then cautiously turned to face this incredibly handsome guy, fully dressed in black. Even though it was dark I could still see he had light mesmerizing hazel eyes that were looking down at me. His brown hair was spiked up in a perfect position. He just looked amazingly perfect. I coudn't help but stare. “wanna dance?” he spoke softly as he looked right into my eyes making me choke on the words I was about to say. Just as I was about to speak a familiar voice from behind me cut me off. “She’d love to” mom blurted out. The guy took his gaze from me sending mom a thankful smile. He then looked back at me grabbing my hand so we walk off to the dance floor. I was speechless at how fast this happened.

“Call me when you’re back home” I heard mom shout from behind but I didn’t pay attention to her as I was focused on what I got myself into. I don’t even know if I can dance, I mean I can but it’s been just so long not doing it in public. Maybe this was a bad idea, I should tell him. I was about to speak but he did before me. “What’s your name” the guy whispered in my ears sending shivers down my spine but I shrug them off and answered. “I’m Rosalyn and you?” I spoke out timidly. “My name is Justin” he smirked as he started moving our bodies together onto the music.  I searched the room for my mom, but she seemed to have disappeared from the bar so I gave up the search.

I moved along with him onto the music shyly looking around not knowing how to handle what was happening. He took notice of my struggle and send me the sweetest smile. He pulled me closer, placing my hand behind his neck. "just let your body move onto the music" he whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks menacing to go red of embarrasment as he said that to me. He's right, I'm being so idiotic right now this is just a dance.  With that we started dancing slowly onto the music face to face, with my hand grabbing his neck. His moves were perfect. What am I saying? Everything about him looked perfect. I looked into his eyes, sending him a smile as I started to get vibe of his moves and he gladly returned my smile. Then after a moment we let go of each other and started pumping on the music, he did his moves which were mind blowing, dancing in circles around me making me laugh.

He interlocked our bodies back together, turning my back against his chest and I felt him pin his body against me from behind. I had no idea what he was tryna do but just went along. Getting the hang of the dance and following his lead I slowly started moving my body along with his, grinding on him onto the beat of the music as he held my hips. He turned me back so we were facing each other again; our legs sandwiched between each other as we danced. On his face read seduction and something else I couldn't figure out. But I was actually having a good time with him; maybe this whole club idea wasn’t bad at all. I have'nt danced like this in like years. He pulled me closer as the song came to an end. And I should say I immediately felt the effect of the alcohol I previously drank kick in. As soon as Justin let go of me, I turned to start heading my way back to the bar but he grabbed my wrist. “What’s the hurry?” he smiled.

“uh my mom is probably waiting for me” I lied not even being able to keep both eyes open as my surroundings were spinning like hell. I definitely needed a bed now. He chuckled “actually your mom said she’ll meet you at home”. Oh shoot he heard my mom,great. I gulped looking down as I didn’t know what to say now to get me out of this. It's not like I was running from him, even though I was but I kinda felt embarrased of dancing with him now and I felt like crap with the alcohol in my system. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn’t know what to shot back. “C’mon I’ll show you something” he spoke breaking the silence as he probably knew I was getting uncomfortable. Before I could speak he took my hand in his and walked off in a direction. He turned into a hallway just to the left of the front door of the club and led me in to what seemed like an aquarium room. There was no one in there.

I looked around confused not understanding why he took me here so I spoke. “What are we doing here?”  I watched as he closed the door behind him before turning to me. Even through the blurryness of my eyes I could see that his expression had changed. He showed anger in his eyes and his fist balled up in a forcefull punch. “You’re mine now” he spoke blankly. My mouth gasped open as I felt a rush of fear come over me. Before I could do anything, I felt a burning pain onto my face and I was lead into a pitch dark dream, not hearing or feeling anything else.

What did Justin do? What will he do next to Rosalyn, find out in the next chapter.

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