Chapter 22- Trouble

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Justin’s POV

My driving was reckless and fast but I wasn’t feeling it not even a bit. I got up to Selena’s house in what seemed like no time. I think I’ve never reached her house so fast. It felt like she was so close. I stepped out of my car making my way to her fence without even caring to take in my surroundings. I could feel my heart beat crashing through my chest and all the way into my head as if it was trying to rip me open and bleed out. I hovered restlessly to the fence as I didn’t know what to say! I had nothing planned this time no apologies no nothing. I couldn’t even explain on what terms I got here but I knew I had to say something! “Selena!” Her name slurred so perfectly out of my mouth and into quiet night breeze before I could even think about it. I looked intensely at her big living room window for any sign of movement or answer. But soon enough I noticed there was no response. Adrenaline was running through my body now making my chest rise and fall quicker than normal at the fact that she wasn’t responding. I knew she was there because of the light in her living room; she always turns it off before she goes to sleep and it was on this time. So she was there she could hear my screams. "Selena!!" I yelled out again at the top of my lungs meanwhile my piercing gaze didn’t leave her glass window. But again I gained no response, no movement or anything. I passed my hands through my hair getting desperate as she wasn’t responding. Just then I noticed something changed from the corner of my eye. I looked up quickly and realized that the lights I was looking at were no longer on; she had turned them off right there. I felt my heart shut down at that moment as I couldn’t acknowledge what just took place. Did she really? No. It’s too painful to even think. She definitely heard me scream. My breath got hitched up in my throat as I vigorously got the urge of crying. I felt miserable now, like I could pull all my hairs out in stress and scream. I paced around the place frustrated, knowing for sure now that this wasn't going to get anywhere. Selena obviously didn’t want to hear me or see me. Was I this negligible to her? The thought of her not knowing how important this is; how important she is to me got me fueled up in sadness. Fuck! I breathed out inwardly for the millionth time tonight. I bowed down my head in surrender as I kept walking around the place. Taking my gaze away from the house my eyes fell on two black cars at the other side of the road. The street lantern reflected right into one of the cars showing off their big cameras. I immediately knew they were paparazzi and my mood instantly switched to anger. That was also my cue to leave. Fuck! Can’t someone be alone for some fucking minutes?” They’re always nosing into people’s businesses!! I instantly gotback to my car, flashing them a gaze filled with threat, anger and all the other possible bad feelings in the world before I got in and sped off. As soon as I got onto the road I felt the drug change phases on me. My vision was blurry now and I couldn’t think clear, but I had to keep going. I knew this was gonna happen, it wasn't the first time I drove under these circumstances. I clinched onto the gas pedal hard making it almost hit the bottom. Soon enough I was definitely going more than 180 miles per hour which was way above the limit but I didn’t even feel it. All my emotions were locked out and frozen by the drug. And I partially thank God for that because otherwise Selena's rejection would have caused me much major pain/damage. My thoughts stayed focused on her though as I passed by some red lights and other stop signs not even caring to press the breaks or slow down. I just maintained a straight grip onto the steering wheel and zoomed out in my thoughts. She didn’t open for me. She doesn’t want anything else to do with me. It’s over. Just like that. I felt my eyes sting as they menaced to fill with tears but as much as I wanted to I couldn’t cry. This drug had me fully dominated. I inhaled slowly looking at my side just in time to notice some colorful lights beaming into my side mirror, almost blinding me.

Squinting my eyes to look further I realized there were cops behind me. Shit.  I breathed getting a hard grip on the wheel. I knew I was already fucked but I also didn't give a shit so I easily slowed down, pulling over, and got out with my license and registration. “Oh Lets see who do we got here” the police man bribed as he got out of his car and came towards me. He eyed me up as he came closer and I did the same to him. He was at my height, had a belly and looked like he was in his late 40’s. "You know you were going out there too fast, young man" he said maintaining a strong gaze on me but I didn’t budge. I took my time to slowly look away vaguely smirking then looked back at him. "Just get this over with" I spat tiredly and pissed. He took a look at my papers and license before he spoke. "All right open up your eyes big" He said pulling out a small flashlight. I looked over at his hand that had the flashlight in it then looked back at him uninterested. “My eyes are already open” I spoke blankly addressing myself to him. He looked up at me as if he totally taken back by my attitude and the calmness in my voice but then hovered close and pulled the flashlight up to my eyes. After looking into both of them he stepped back confused. “Okay now I want you to stand on your right foot and count to ten out loud please” I looked up at him clearly expressing a What the fuck face! And he noticed this as he spoke again. “Please just do as I say sir” he almost pleaded. “I’m not gonna do that, just do your job and we’re done” I spoke ever so seriously. I wasn’t in the mood for all this bullshit. I knew for a fact already that he was testing me on drugs which I definitely had in my system now. He then looked at my license then back at me and the nr plate of my car before directing himself to me. “Just stay there okay” he said pulling his hand out to gesture me as he walked back to his police car. I shook my head in disbelief. Stupid assfuck.  If I wanted to I could have definitely ran away from him now, their cars wouldn’t even get close to mine. But I didn’t want to, I simply didn’t give a shit for where I spent the night because this one was already ruined. I thought as I watched the policemen reporting something in his car then came back to me. “Mr. Bieber I’m afraid you’ll be joining me for one night in detention based on drug driving and speeding” he said while gladly pulling out his handcuffs. I rolled my eyes as I calmly turned with my hands behind my back. As if I didn’t know all along that I was getting arrested. I felt handcuffs being placed against my wrists and he walked me off into his police car. I sat there looking into the distance in front of me as I could hear him reporting that my car had to be taken away from the road. We waited there for some minutes but it felt like forever for a police tow truck to come. As soon as it did I was taken out of the zone of the occurrence and headed to the LA police department. We rushed into the department and all the way in. Strangest part is that I haven’t noticed any paparazzi’s along the way, but oh well not that I would give a fuck anyways. Once there, they took everything I had on me and I was given a cell that was completely empty. "Now tomorrow you get a call that hopefully come bails you outta here" the policemen said before he locked the cell and walked off. I looked around the cell and at the miserable concrete bed that was in there then brought my limp body over to lay on it. Getting a perfect gaze onto the ceiling, I stared at it as I couldn't and didn't want to feel anything. I was just tired of this day. I sighed, not letting anymore thoughts go through my mind I closed my eyes and drove off to an abysmal deep sleep.


FINISHED IT!! :D well at midnight! but as promised this was the update! Hope you Liked it!

SOW How was it???? PLEAse Gladly tell me how you found this <3! comment on everything and anything you want :p I love your comments! and I hope this structure is more readable for you guys:))

if anything please let me know, questionss suggestions, thoughts they are all welcome! *kisses/hugs* #muchlovebesitos bye!

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