Nagato Uzumaki

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Title: Down The Rabbit Hole

"You won't escape!" One of the Suna shinobi chasing me called as he threw a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it. I'm a rogue shinobi, for reasons that may matter, and maybe they don't, but you'll never know.

The kunai struck a tree close to me and exploded unbelievably loud, but it also created a screen of debris and smoke, a way for me to escape more quickly, or so I thought. The massive throttle from the explosion caused some damage to the branch I'd just landed on. The branch almost immediately cracked under my weight, and I plummeted to the ground.

But you see, the thing is, is the ground passed me about three seconds ago, and for some unknown reason, I was still falling. I quickly snapped my eyes open to see a portal, that's what it looked like, closing. My head shot from left to right, and I was in what appeared to be a cave.

Though, all thoughts of where I was vanished as soon as my back snapped against the hard floor. All of the breath left my lungs, but I remained completely still to see if anything felt broken. When no massive pain rang out, I allowed myself to gasp slightly, and attempted to regain the oxygen that'd just been forced from my body.

"This fucking blows." I growled out lowly, and ironically enough, blew out a heavy breath. When I could breathe properly, I gingerly pulled myself up into a sitting position.

"Might as well stay here for a while. Those sand idiots will be looking until nightfall at least." I mumbled to myself and propped my sore body against a wall. I'd stayed in that same spot for about ten minutes, until I actually took a good look around the place. It was all closed up stone, until it wasn't. There was an opening, like a hallway. Curiosity got the best of me, so I heaved myself up and started walking down the long, seemingly endless hallway.

It seemed to be completely man made, like an old, abandoned base of sorts. The dark hallway went on until it broke off into a large clearing, and a massive room was presented to me. I began to look around the room, and nearly had a damn heart attack when someone began speaking to me through the darkness.

"Who are you, and how did you get down here?" The voice was very deep, almost pained, and it was coming from behind me. I spun around and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. A man, a very pale one at that, with flaming red hair was perched on some sort of torture device. Rods were sticking out of his bare back, and his arms were cuffed in some sort of holsters. He was unnervingly thin, for his bones were apparent in contrast with his paper white skin.

"I'm not telling you a damn thi- the rinnegan?!?" I began, but as the man looked up, I caught sight of his terrifyingly lovely lavender orbs.

"I will not ask you again." The man said monotonously, his slender face blank. I came to my senses quickly and let a small smirk fall on my face.

"Well, my name is none of your concern, but as to how I got here, I fell from a tree, and fell through the entrance portal thing, whatever the fuck it was." I explained, motioning to the hall I had just come from.

"You shouldn't have been able to fall through. This base is protected by Jiraya Sensei's sealing jutsu." The man explains, a confused look on his face, and a singular red brow raised.

"So that damn pervert was your Sensei too, huh?" I hissed and took a few more steps forward, closer to him and his odd contraption.

"Then that is how you're here." The man says, stating the obvious. I rolled my eyes and let out a small sigh.

"Well I suppose so. Do tell, who are you?" I asked after crossing my arms under my chest, looking up at the man.

"It's rude to ask someone's name without telling them your own first." The man points out. I huff agitatedly.

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