Neji Hyuga

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Title: Cramps Are Real

I rolled around uncomfortably in my now black sheets for the seven thousandth time in the past ten minutes, trying and completely failing at finding a decently comfortable position to try and fall back asleep. That obviously wasn't happening. I began to boil, my body temperature sky rocketing, and my pores producing sweat.

I grumbled and kicked the blankets off of my body and tried to relax, but as soon as my body began to cool off, the cramps started stabbing through me like a freshly sharpened kunai knife. I groaned in annoyance and severe discomfort, thinking about the ibuprofen in the kitchen cabinet. I most certainly did not want to get up to go get it, and Neji left over an hour ago to help Hinata progress in her training. I groaned once more, but this time in frustration at the though of having to move.

I was also starving, because it was almost lunchtime and I haven't even had breakfast, because I haven't moved from my bed in order to have it. Though, when the door to my room opened quietly, I quickly perked up, well, as much as I could without actually moving, or showing any sign of it on my face. Neji walked into the room with a small loving smile on his slightly red, sweaty face.

"Hello (Y/n). Are you feeling okay?" Neji asked softly, and in a comforting voice when he seen my look of pain, though he was such an idiot when it came to things like this, I doubt he knew what was actually going on. I appreciated the effort, but I didn't really care about any of it. I tried to move my position once more, but flinched in pain as another cramp hit, and just after, my stomach growled.

"Actually, no. I'm really, really hungry. Can you please make me some breakfast, or either some lunch, it doesn't really matter to me." I pleaded with the best begging, pitiful face I could pull, but I didn't really have to try too hard.

"Why can't you just get up and make it yourself, I need a shower." Neji asked, then stated. My eye twitched lightly as I glared at him harshly. As stated before, Neji is a complete idiot when it came to the female cycle, and he probably didn't know it was happening to me right now. I gritted my teeth and glared at him, looking him right in the eye.

"Neji, I've asked you once as politely as I could, and I won't be doing it a second fucking time. I said I'm fucking hungry." I growled, practically animalistic. Neji's eyes went wide, it looked like fear.

"Okay, okay." He mumbled and hurried out of the room to the kitchen to begin cooking me something to eat. I continued to roll around in discomfort, silently cursing myself for forgetting to ask Neji to bring me some medicine before he started cooking.

A good while had passed since Neji had gone into the kitchen, and I was beginning to get restless, impatient with him. My stomach continued to growl, and it felt like every time it would growl, a severe cramp would follow right after it. Finally, Neji had entered the room carrying a plate full of delicious looking food and a tall glass of water. My mouth was salivating I thought I'd start to drool. I sat up from the bed cautiously with a painful grunt, though I smiled at him nonetheless.

He watched my studiously, a look of concern in his eyes, though he gently handed me the plate of food and the glass of water. I smiled at him much more brightly as I caught a full glimpse of the food. I downed the food quicker than it took him to actually make it, then washed it down with the ice-cold water, though I quickly stopped drinking it when another stabbing pain rang out in my ovaries from the chill of the water.

I grunted deeply and quickly handed the water to Neji, so I wouldn't spill it all over the bed. I flopped back and held myself tightly. This time, the cramps seemed to stick to my lower body, causing pain to radiate all down my lower back. Neji's eyes immediately went wide as he set the glass to the side and rushed to my aid.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He cooed lightly as he held his hands at ready, prepared to do whatever he could. I sighed deeply and flinched as my lower body throbbed again, squeezing at my sweatshirt tightly.

"Well, I know for sure that I'm not pregnant." I grumbled lowly, a dry chuckle escaping my lips. Neji looked confused for a moment, but his eyes lit up in realization, then his face held that of sympathy, and also something like fear. When he finally relaxed, he let out a long sigh and crawled into the bed next to me with a small, soothing smile on his face.

"Oh God, it's that. Well, at least you're looking on the bright side of things. Do you want me to massage you?" He said, then offered. I was slightly shocked, so much so that I stared at him in awe for a few moments, I could already feel my eyes watering just slightly.

"Would you really do that for me?" I asked as I looked up at him starry eyed. He chuckled lightly then grabbed my hand and pulled it to his lips, something that was completely out of character for him.

"Of course, I would. I love you, I'd do anything for you." Neji said, his small smile remaining on his lips as he kissed my knuckles gently. My eyes began to get extra watery, and in an instant, I was a full-on balling, sniffling mess.

"I love you too." I sobbed out, then brought my free hand up to my face and began to wipe at it haphazardly, causing my face to go even more red than it already was. Neji stiffened and began to panic just slightly.

"Hey, don't cry! You're making it weird." Neji practically squealed. I hiccupped lightly and tried my best to stop crying. When I had finally calmed down, Neji hugged me tightly and kissed my lips gently, causing me to smile just a bit. He helped me roll over onto my stomach as gently as he could, and then lifted the back of my sweatshirt up to the top of my back. His hands began to work at my lower back and I appreciated it, I really did. However, nothing magical was happening when he touched me, as a matter of fact, if I was being honest, he was making it worse.

"Neji." I called to him gently as I tilted my head to look at him over my shoulder. He smiled and turned his head to look at me as well.

"Yes, my love." He hummed lightly, pushing down on my most painful spots. That was the last straw for me. I tensed up completely.

"I love you, but get me some painkillers. Your hands aren't doing shit for me."

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