Naruto Uzumaki

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Title: Envy

I was strolling casually, as one relaxing does, with my hands behind my head, walking the streets calmly. My eyes were closed lazily, if someone was in my way, they'd move eventually. It was busy, as it normally was on a weekday, bustling with workers and playing children, their parents not too far behind, presumably scolding them from afar. Though, the noise suddenly stopped all together.

I stopped in place and opened my eyes quickly, my body tensing completely just in case I, or anyone else was in danger, though that didn't seem to be the case. My eyes narrowed slightly when I saw everyone glaring at Naruto harshly. Ever since he and Team Yamato failed their last mission, bringing Sasuke back to the village, failing to beat Orochimaru, and injuring Sakura, everyone had been giving him a tough time. Someone far away from myself, though close to Naruto, leaned over and said something to him, a disgusted expression on their face.

The person spat harshly at Naruto, and when he was done speaking, Naruto's fists balled up tightly, and his teeth clenched with a harsh pressure. A few other people around Naruto joined in as well, probably abusing him verbally, and most likely not too far from physically. My own fists balled up in sheer rage as I watched them torment him. I growled lightly to myself when Naruto spun on his heel and took off running in the other direction. I gasped lightly and took off after him, though I stopped suddenly in the middle of the villagers who were glaring at the retreating Naruto where he stood just seconds before.

"That's no way to treat the future Hokage, you fucking imbecilic bastards. You all should be ashamed of yourselves." I scolded them all with a harsh glare on my face, overpowering every other glare. I then took off after Naruto. It was easy to follow him, which scared me, because I was following his demonic chakra, which was growing a bit more powerful with each passing second, due to his increasing rage.

Naruto continued to run as quickly as he could away from the village, and it wasn't until he collapsed in a distant training field that I'd finally caught up to him, though several seconds later. He laid on the ground, panting heavily, the markings on his cheeks much more prominent than they were about ten minutes ago. I approached him, walking slowly from over exertion and exhaustion, my hand laying lightly on my heaving chest.

"You're really hard to catch, you know that?" I huffed, slowly regaining my breath. I fully approached Naruto, whose hands were gripping the grass below him tightly.

"Why?" Naruto mumbled, face down with his cheek pressed to the greenery. I raised a brow slightly at him before replying.

"Well, probably because you were running so damn fast." I stated, still watching his panting form on the ground, which would twitch ever so often.

"No, why'd you follow me?" Naruto asked, though his voice was quickly getting deeper, which worried me just slightly. I exhaled heavily and placed a singular hand on my hip. Something was stirring in the air, but I brushed it off slightly.

"To make sure you were alright, Naruto. Hey, you need to calm down a bit, your skin-" I began, though Naruto grunted slightly, and suddenly, small pieces of his skin began to literally melt from his face. Naruto let out an animalistic growl, before snapping his head toward me.

"I don't need you telling me what to do!" Naruto yelled deeply, causing me to jump slightly. I took a deep breath, then took a daring step forward towards him, with my hands raised just slightly.

"Naruto, please just calm down a little bit and we'll sit down and talk about-" I began calmly, but Naruto suddenly groaned in agony, before straightening himself up once more.

"I don't want to talk! I want- I want- gah!" Naruto began, though he screamed once more, clutching his skinless face. I gasped lightly at the sight, it was rather petrifying. He was going into tailed beast mode, and neither Yamato nor Kakashi were here to help me.

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