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Title: Now Or Never

The day was beautiful, though the air was thick. The sun was high in the sky as I sat on my front porch, lightly sipping some hot tea, listening to the silent sounds of nature that included a light rustling of leaves from the wind, an occasional bird chirp, and the distant sound of water trickling from a stream from further away. Though, a sudden sound that had just occurred that isn't supposed to be natural, is someone groaning in pain.

My eyes widened considerably as the sound resonated in my ears. I gently placed my cup on a side table and stood from my seat, walking hastily down the steps of my home and out into the yard to search for whoever was in need of help, though, I wasn't dumb. I also grabbed my katana from next to me and stealthily stepped through the green of the grass, and followed the noise to some thicker brush.

"Hello? Is there someone hurt out here?" I yelled, even though someone, or something was clearly in some form of discomfort or another. Right after I'd called out, everything suddenly went silent, though it was short lived. Another groan burst out through the stillness of the atmosphere. I quickly honed into my hearing skills and followed the noise to another patch of shrubbery, though the grass around it wasn't green. Some sort of white substance stuck to the grass like glue, and scattered around that was clumps of black as well.

I continued taking slow, silent steps forward, my guard raised, as well as my katana. I widely circled the bush to see what was covering it, and what I did see left me a bit baffled. A man, I think, lay there, missing both of his arms, though he wasn't bleeding at all, at least I didn't think he was. He was also half submerged into the ground, don't ask me how, I've got no fucking clue. I cleared my throat lightly, causing his head to snap to my direction.

"Uh, do you need some help?" I asked cautiously as I took another step forward closer to the... man...?

"Yes. No." The person replied, though with two different answers, and in two completely different voices. my eyebrows slid upwards in shock.

"We can't keep moving like this!" The man said, though he was acting as if he were talking to someone else. I quickly looked behind me to see if there were someone standing there that I hadn't seen, but there was no one.

"Well, we sure as hell can't stop." A deeper voice replied, and again, I looked around to see if there was someone else here, and again, no one was.

"Um, am I missing something?" I asked, completely confused by the situation at hand.

"No!" The deeper voice snapped angrily. I stared at the being dumfounded as it appeared to be having an argument with itself in two completely different voices. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there are two of them morphed into one, or either this dude has a serious spilt personality disorder.

"Our name is Zetsu, and we kindly accept your offer of assistance." The calmer side said, and it was then that I realized that only the white side's mouth seemed to be moving. My eyebrows were still raised in confusion, though I lowered my sword and cautiously hauled Zetsu up by his torso, on his white half, which seemed to be much more polite. I drug him back to my house, and attempted to heal him like I would heal any normal person, though he stopped me quickly.

"Sorry, but that wont work, we require special attention." Zetsu said, his voice switching from the light playful tone, to a deep condescending one. I sighed heavily while drooping my shoulder slightly.

"Well, what should I do?" I asked, raising a singular eyebrow in the process. Zetsu exhaled heavily, though it sounded painful.

"We need to soak in some vitamins for a while, then our wounds can be treated like a regular humans." Zetsu explained. My eyes widened just slightly, though I only exhaled in defeat.

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