Sasuke Uchiha

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Title: People Change

*In this story, you're from my OC clan, the Dāku.*

This mission was bothersome, but distracting in a good way. I was sent to deliver a scroll to the Kazek- I mean, Gaara, then to return right after, Suna was a three day travel there and back, but that was if I was in a hurry. It was already day three, and I was in no hurry to get back to the Leaf Village, I had only just left the sand.

I was in no hurry to return, because Naruto had just returned from training with Jiraya a week ago. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Naruto, I loved him dearly, however, as soon as he got to the village, he was rambling on about Sasuke, the one thing I refused to talk about.

Sasuke promised some years ago to never leave me alone after an attack was made on me in the village, but he did just that. He left the village, and he left me, with a shattered heart, and no one to help pick the pieces up and put them back into place.

At these haunting memories, I angrily kicked at a rock on the ground in front of me, but my leg ever so strangely stopped mid-kick, as if frozen in place. I looked down quickly, and wrapped around my ankle was a snake, with a grip loose enough to where I wouldn't notice, but strong enough to hold me.

I went to kick it off, but at least ten more shot up from the earth and wrapped around my arms and legs, shocking me just momentarily, but long enough for a massive snake to drop from the tree above my head and sink its teeth into my outstretched arm. The world started to go black, and rather quickly, and the last thing that rang through my ears was a much too familiar evil chuckle.

When my body decided to wake me up with a jolt of its own accord, it was dark, and I was cold. I opened my eyes to see a large, open room, dimly lit by torches, and a stone throne in the center. A shadowed figure was perched on it, all I could see was a bandaged hand resting under a pale chin. I attempted to move further, but my arms were bound behind my back, and my feet chained to the floor.

"Go and bring him in." The voice echoed from the being on the throne, a low, hissy voice at that. I wracked my brain, searching through my memory for the face that matches that particular voice.

Someone hummed from the other side of the room, causing my head to snap that way. It was so dark, I didn't even notice another person. The door opened, then closed silently, and all was quiet again.

"Why haven't you asked where you are yet?" The voice purred with curiosity. I sighed a bit before relaxing my body.

"Well, if I did, would you actually tell me?" I asked cockily, smirking lightly in the dark.

"No, I don't believe I would." The person said. My smirk dropped as I went to reply.

"Then there's no point in wasting my breath, and besides, I'm still trying to pin your voice." I said, mostly to myself at the end.

"Orochimaru, my dear." He said. My whole body went stiff and anger coursed through my veins, sending an icy hot chill through my body. My eyes lit the floor in front of me like a blue flame.

"What in the hell could you possibly want from me? Sasuke wasn't enough for you, so you came after-" I began, but Orochimaru shushed me.

"Enough. He's coming." Orochimaru said. I could hear the smirk and deviousness in his tone.

"Who?" I asked quickly in confusion. The door suddenly swung open and a tall, shadowy figure looked in the doorway.

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