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Title: Sinner
(Song Included Above)

Title: Sinner

The world was so cold, so cruel, especially to me, or so it seemed at the moment. My life began normally, well, as normally as it could. I was the daughter of a master craftsman and a seamstress. My mother died giving birth to me, but my father used to tell me that she loved me more than anything, and he did too until he passed away of old age when I was much younger. That'd been so long ago.

I had nowhere to go after that. I wandered the forest for thee longest time, or so it felt. It usually was like that in most cases when someone is inevitably, unescapably alone. I had no source of clean water, and hardly any food. The only thing I knew how to do was craft like my father taught me, but that wasn't helping me in this situation.

I felt like I was on the brink of death. I had been going for so long. The amount of energy I was exerting was far greater than what was being put into my body to help it to continue moving. I needed a miracle. I thudded to the ground, no energy to even sit up straight. My consciousness was fading in and out. My biggest fear was creeping up on me, I was going to die alone. I was going to die alone out in the middle of the forest, starving, thirsty, and utterly and completely alo-

"Hey, you alive, hm?" A voice suddenly cut my thoughts of total despair. I turned my head just slightly and looked up at the young man, his blonde hair cascading around him, looking as bright as the sun.

"Hardly. If you're here to kill me, then do it quickly, please. I would also like to know your name, maybe it won't be so lonely if I do." I replied and turned my eyes back down to look at the ground before closing them completely. The young man scoffed and crouched down next to my crumpled form.

"I don't wanna kill you. Even if I did, Sasori would be awfully upset. You're (Y/n) right?" The man explained, then asked, this suddenly peaked my interest. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the young man once more.

"Yes, why?" I asked, suddenly noticing another young man approach the blonde with a small smile on his face, looking back though, I now know it was a smirk.

"I've been looking for you, little lamb." The red head cooed gently as he crouched near me. He didn't look to be much older than me, maybe fifteen. My eyebrows furrowed just slightly.

"Why exactly?" I asked as I eyed them both curiously. The red head that I now assumed to be Sasori replied first.

"Your father was one of the best craftsmen on the planet. He used a certain jutsu that no one else in the world can do, except for an heir, and that would be you. I create puppets, and I want that jutsu you have, so you're coming back with me." Sasori explained blankly, but in my time of desperation, it was like he was asking me to come with him, like he needed my help.

"Coming with you?" I asked more so to myself than anything, eyes wide and sparkling like I'd been revived, rejuvenated. Sasori sighed heavily and nodded his head.

"Yes. Follow me and I will give you a home." Sasori confirmed, then watched for my reaction. He got the one he wanted. My eyes twinkled even brighter.

"A home?" I whispered airily. It'd been so long since I had a home. Since someone needed me. Since I'd expressed myself through my jutsu and art. Sasori handed me a canteen of water and then turned around on the heel of his foot and began walking away. I opened the water with tears in my eyes and chugged it greedily.

After I finished it in two seconds flat, I warily rose to my feet and chased after the two men as quickly as I could. I followed them without knowing anything about them, no hesitation, no questions asked. If I could go back and change that decision, I would, without hesitation, no questions asked.

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