Sasuke Uchiha

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Title: You'd Better Be

Smoke rolled through the air, the silent air, now that the war was over. The post war battlefield was dead, lifeless, besides myself, and two others, who were having a battle of their own further away. Naruto and him were fighting, as they usually did each time they crossed paths. As you may know, he, is Sasuke. He's not my Sasuke though, he wasn't always like how he is now.

Flashback 1

A small boy, my age, around four, clad in all black with hair and eyes to match, solemnly kicked a pebble down the dirt road as he walked, his face mirroring something like frustration. I watched him for a while, until his feelings started getting to me, so I approached him.

"That doesn't look like a fun game." I noted as I walked up to him. His head snapped up with a glare, but when his eyes met mine, they softened just slightly. The boy huffed dramatically and shrugged his shoulders in the same fashion.

"It's better than nothing. Big brother won't do anything with me." The boy grumbled. I laughed lightly, and as I did, the boy's face heated up to a soft pink.

"Well, I'll do something with you. C'mon, let's go!" I cheered happily, reaching out to grab the boy's arms. Though he was hesitant, he let me pull him along for a few steps.

"I'm not supposed to go off with strangers." The boy announced suddenly, stopping in place with my hand still tightly grasping his.

"Well, I'm (Y/n). Now the only stranger here is you." I said as I shook his hand, then let it go. His eyes widened, not wanting to be a stranger.

"Oh, I'm Sasuke, I guess we can go now." Sasuke chimed before reaching out and grabbing my hand, now pulling me along with him, where we would play games together all day.

Flashback 2

"Hey (Y/n), come meet my big brother!" A now five year old Sasuke chortled as he spotted his older brother in the distance. Sasuke clutched my hand in his and pulled me with him, his brother already knowing of our presence.

"Hiya! I'm (Y/n), and I'm Sasuke's best friend!" I beamed happily as I stuck my hand out to the older boy, his features mirroring Sasuke's drastically. The boy smiled softly at Sasuke and I, and placed his rough hand within my own, shaking it a singular time.

"Hello, I am Itachi, Sasuke always talks about you, and how splendid of a ninja you are." Itachi teased. A playful smirk spread on my face as Sasuke's went tomato red. I always told him he'd become a tomato if he kept eating them like he did.

"Oh, is that so?" I questioned boastfully to Itachi, his small smile growing in size. Sasuke groaned and became comically defensive.

"Hey be quiet, (Y/n)!" Sasuke shouted, pointing an accusing finger in my direction. I laughed gleefully, amused at his embarrassment.

"Sasuke, that's no way to talk to your girlfriend." Itachi mused. I laughed even harder as Sasuke went on a childish rampage.

Flashback 3

"(Y/n), I need you to always be Sasuke's friend, no matter how hard he tries to push you away, which he will try." Itachi, now thirteen, told me. He has a smile on his face, but he looked to be in so much pain. Though, my eight year old self was oblivious to this.

"I will, but why're you telling me this Itachi?" I questioned him innocently, not comprehending the darkness that lay just beneath the surface of the demand.

"Just keep Sasuke out late tomorrow. Promise me, (Y/n)." Itachi said, his red eyes now glassy. I looked at him worriedly, but I figured promising him would make him feel better.

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