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Title: Uncensored Tongues

I exhaled heavily in irritation as I tapped my foot impatiently on the hard-wooden floors of the Hokage's office. Sarutobi Sensei had assigned me and one of his students to a mission together, since our skill sets were most fit. I'd never met any of his other students, and I'd never asked about any of them. All I know is that he teaches a girl and two boys. That's it. And apparently, this student of his has no idea of how to manage his time properly.

"Sarutobi Sensei, you need to train your students on how to be on time." I mumbled aggravatedly and huffed in impatience as I adjusted the strap of my backpack that rested on my shoulders. Sarutobi sensei chuckled deeply as he inhaled a hit of his pipe, something that he wasn't supposed to be doing anyway.

"We're in the office (Y/n), you have to call me Hokage, and he's coming through the door now." Sarutobi sensei replied, then motioned to the door that seemed to be opening in slow motion.

"He better be. I hate waiting." I mumbled to myself as I glared at the doorway. Soon enough, in came a frail looking boy with long black hair and serpentine eyes. He entered and stopped right at the door, immediately bowing his head.

"Hello Orochimaru." The Hokage called with a small smile on his face, his pipe still hanging from his lips. The boy, Orochimaru smiled back, though it was hardly noticeable, then straightened his body back into an upright position, his arms folded neatly in front of him.

"Hello, Hokage Sensei. I apologize for my tardiness, Jiraya was trying to fight with me again." Orochimaru explained gently, his voice soft but steady, never wavering or stuttering. I crossed my arms under my chest and glared at the boy harshly.

"Sure he was." I responded sarcastically, rolling my eyes within my sentence. The Hokage sighed heavily and placed his pipe down on his desk gently.

"That's quite enough (Y/n)." The Hokage croaked with his raspy voice as he stared me down. I grit my teeth tightly to keep from making a remark.

"I apologize to you as well, (Y/n)." Orochimaru suddenly chimed in as he bowed his head to me slightly in respect. I scoffed and crossed my arms under my chest, ignoring the offer.

"Whatever. Let's go." I demanded as I rolled my eyes and grabbed the scroll from Sarutobi Sensei's desk. I then left the room, not checking to see if Orochimaru was following me or not. After a second or two, I heard his light footsteps echoing behind me, so I continued all the way to the gates of Konoha. Neither of us had spoken a word since we began the trip, and I soon began to feel guilty at my attitude.

From what I'd heard of this Jiraya, he was a consistent idiot, so Orochimaru's excuse did line up. Which, if it did, that would most definitely make me an asshole. Though I did feel bad, I wouldn't say anything, it'd hurt my pride, and I'm sure Orochimaru could care less anyway.

We continued to walk in silence for the entire day, and it was now sunset. We'd made a mutual silent decision to set up camp, like normal people do when it starts to get dark. We chose a decent spot that was hidden enough, very secluded looking, but was also easy to escape from and access resources as well.

"You go get stuff to make a fire, then actually make it, and I'll set the tents up." I instructed after we'd dropped our packs to the ground. Orochimaru nodded and walked off to gather dry wood and kindling, and I began to unbag and assemble the tents. By the time he got back, I was already done with the both of our tents. Just as he threw his supplies in a pile onto the ground, I sat down against a tree to relax, and observe him from afar.

A few minutes had passed, and Orochimaru had only aligned the sticks into an upright position with the kindling in the middle. He was now rubbing stones together in order to create a spark, though he was having some difficulty. He looked to be very deep in concentration, and he suddenly stuck his disturbingly long tongue out, most likely out of habit, and it was freaking me out. And then me, having absolutely no filter, said the first thing that came to mind.

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