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Title: Monthly Mania

My body jolted straight up from the blankets. A sharp pain ringing through my abdominal region woke me from a peaceful, dead slumber. I grumbled to myself, already knowing what was going on, for this was not my first time experiencing this pain by far.

I grumbled hatefully as I drug myself out of my bed, hardly registering that Tobi wasn't there, because he usually got up before me anyways. I trudged sleepily to the bathroom to address my monthly issue, more commonly known as Satan's sacrificial waterfall.

After I was, in a less disgusting term, all plugged up, I went to the top drawer of my dresser to get to my candy stash, I'd probably eat it all today. I pulled the drawer open, only to find the remnants of what used to be my candy. Wrappers.

My heart practically leapt out of my chest in panic, while my eyes filled with tears, though my face was heating up, and in my mind, I wanted to kill someone, or something.

"TOBI!" I screamed out as sheer rage laced my tone. Usually, it was Deidara screaming like this, not today. Tobi being the oblivious idiot he is, waltzed right into our room, unaware of the wrath to come.

"Yes beautiful girlfriend of mine?" Tobi cheered happily in a sweet, sing song voice. I wanted to rip his vocal chords out.

"Where in the fuck is all of my candy?!?" I screeched demonically as chakra started to whiplash around me, making the air thick. Tobi, yet again, was unaffected by this.

"Oh! I ate it all last week!" Tobi yelled over the winds coming from my chakra. Suddenly, the air went still, deadly. All of the color drained from my face, sheer depression coursing through me. Then, again, rage pumped through my veins.

"You what?!? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I screeched as I made a mad dash toward the door where Tobi was standing. He quickly caught on and took off as well down the hallway, screaming as he went.

"(Y/n), what's wrong with you all of the sudden?!? Do you not love me anymore? Deidara tells me that all the time!" Tobi screamed down through the halls as I continued to chase him, though as he got faster, I started to slow down, my body now deciding that it was very sad.

"I wanted some candy and you ate it all!" I screeched, but it was now a broken sounding scream. I stopped running after Tobi completely, though he didn't notice yet.

"Deidara help! (Y/n) is very upset and is trying to kill me!" Tobi yelled as he turned the corners, probably where Deidara was. I hung my head slightly and cried to myself, dragging my body back to my room to flop down onto my bed. I cried to myself, though my gasps for air were a bit louder than I'd anticipated. All was silent now, except for light footsteps coming back up the hallway.

"(Y/n), you okay?" Tobi called through the door gently. Little did I know that he heard me crying and felt horrible for what he'd done. Tobi poked his head in, only to see (Y/n) face down on their mattress, shaking lightly with sobs.

"Leave me alone, Tobi." I croaked, momentarily picking my head up to speak before letting it fall into the pillows again.


Tobi hung his head in shame and trudged down the hallway. He pondered about what he could do to get (Y/n) to stop crying, he hated it. Though, when a lightbulb went off in his head, he spring into action quickly.

"If it's candy (Y/n) wants, it's candy I'll get!" Tobi cheered as he raced down the hallway and into Kakuzu's and Hidan's room, they were on a mission right now, so it's okay. Tobi discretely took a stack of money and raced out as quickly as he came. He then left the base, and went to the closest village he could find, buying sweets of many different kinds, until his arms and cloak were full, and he could no longer carry any more. When Tobi returned, he silently crept back back to the room, where (Y/n) was asleep, and tears were dried against her skin. Tobi took some of the freshly baked sweets and put them under (Y/n)'s nose to gently push her back into consciousness.

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