Sasuke Uchiha

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Title: People Change Part 2

*In this story, you're apart of my OC clan, the Dāku.'

I'd been walking for quite some time now. It was dark, cold, and there wasn't a single village or town in sight. I was completely alone. Well, I was, until a light thump sounded behind me. I spun around, my hand glowing bright blue and freezing like ice, but it was only him.

"What Sasuke?" I asked blandly. I knew he'd been following me, he'd been trailing me for an hour, but I didn't think he'd actually show himself.

"The leaf is that way." Sasuke said and pointed to a different direction. I huffed and took a few steps that way.

"Thanks, leave." I growled lightly. Sasuke sighed before taking a step closer to me.

"(Y/n), wait, I-" Sasuke began, but I cut him off.

"You what? You're sorry, you didn't mean it?" I mused lightly, a dry chuckle escaping my throat.

"Well, yes." Sasuke said. I turned to him and glared.

"Go fuck yourself, Sasuke. And I mean that as disrespectfully as you can fathom." I spat and turned to walk away from him, but he had other plans.

"People change." Sasuke said suddenly. My body went stiff as I turned back to face him.

"Yes they do, but you haven't." I said blankly. Sasuke's face relaxed as he took another step closer.

"But I will, for you. When I kill Itachi-" Sasuke began, but I held a hand up, stopping him, a grim look on my face, and a sinister glare.

"That's it. That's just fucking it right there. Do you think that you're the only person in this world that's had a fucking hardship?!? HUH?!? Look at Naruto, or Gaara, or Hinata, or even Neji. They've all got massive burdens, it's not just Sasuke's world. Did Naruto leave the village when the entire place hated him? No. He toughed it the fuck out, and he too was only a baby. And look at him now, he's going places. He's going to be Hokage one day and I believe that with everything I've got, but you, Sasuke, you're going nowhere fast. Do you think your Mom and Dad want this life for you? Because I sure as fuck don't." I ranted to Sasuke, who stood silently, looking as blank as ever. Sasuke heaved out a breath before straightening up once more.

"Alright, I've listened to you, now you listen to me. This is my life and I will do with it what I please. I will kill Itachi, and then I will be back for you." Sasuke claimed confidently, like he knew the future.

"I'm not waiting for you, you selfish bastard. Now leave." I yelled at him. Sasuke hung his head slightly, then disappeared into the trees. I continued walking and made it back to the leaf village, and true to my word, I didn't wait around for him. After I'd healed from my injuries, I carried out my life as normally as possible, and just as I told Sasuke that day, he was going downhill.

Sasuke killed Itachi, but found out some vital information that he'd missed out on while being a selfish little brat. He is now a part of the new Akatsuki, and is even more of a threat than he was before. It soon registered in my mind, that one day, I would have to fight him, especially with the war coming up, and try with all my might to beat him, even if that meant taking his life. Naruto would probably hate me, but that's something I'll have to deal with.

To ready myself, I trained with a few special people, Kakashi specifically, to hone my demonic skills, but then, as Kakashi and I were training, the least expected happened to me, and everyone in the village, really.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) come quick, you'll never believe this!" Naruto shouted as he approached Kakashi and I, bouncing around all the while. I laughed lightly through my labored breath at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

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