Kisame Hoshigaki🍋

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Title: Springtime (Lemon)

Though each and every one of the Akatsuki members are attractive in their own way, I'd not fallen for a single one of them, or at least, I would never admit to being in love with one of the bastards. That's what I liked to tell myself. I'd been in the Akatsuki for several months, which is really all it takes to develop feelings for someone, especially if you're around that person often.

It was now Spring, pollen was thick in the air, and the temperature was slowly but surely rising, which I despise completely. Though we are a criminal organization filled with emotionless, cocky, cold blooded fuckers, we are still human, well, most of us, and we still do accumulate unnecessary objects, which requires something that regular civilians refer to as 'Spring cleaning', and no one else would do it, except for myself, and I planned on asking my best of friends, Kisame, to help me do it.

As of right now I was searching through the base looking for the blue skinned brute, but I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. As a last resort I made my way to Pein's office to ask. However, when I walked in, a meeting was going on, without me, full swing. Though, Kisame wasn't in the room either. I ignored the fact that I was left out and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Has anyone seen Kisame?" I asked the group, allowing my irritation to present itself in the tone of my voice. Hidan and Deidara smirked broadly, whereas everyone else was blank, as they usually were.

"You can't go near him." Pain suddenly spoke up. I snapped my head to his direction, his lavender gaze catching mine.

"Why not? I was gonna ask him to help me with some Spring cleaning." I asked, protesting the thought of having to clean by myself.

"That's just it (Y/n), it's Spring." Pain noted, as if he was expecting me to know what he was talking about.

"Yeah, so what?" I questioned as I looked to Hidan and Deidara once more, who looked to be on the verge of obnoxious laughter.

"It's also mating season, and Kisame is part shark." Itachi explained, causing my gaze to flicker over to said Uchiha.

"So? He's also still human." I replied, narrowing my gaze a bit. Kisame isn't an animal, so why the hell is everyone so rigid?

"It still affects him, and for the safety of you and Konan, we've locked him up in the dungeons, since we don't exactly know who his mate is." Pain remarked before Itachi said anything further, but I doubt he was going to say anything, anyway. My eyes widened slightly in shock as my gaze then flicked to the periwinkle headed woman.

"How do you know it's me or Konan then?" I asked Pain, a bit of anger now replacing the confusion.

"We don't, but we shouldn't risk it. He becomes ravenous when in heat." Itachi stated, still as blank as the day I met him.

"How do you calm him down then?" I asked suddenly. Deidara and Hidan began snickering to each other, poking and punching back and forth, as if they were praying I'd say something along those lines.

"We wait until Spring is over." Pain explained simply. My eyes widened in disbelief at his words.

"That's fucking ridiculous, he can't stay down there for three months. I need him to help me clean, and he's also got missions. There's got to be a reasonable solution." I ranted, a bit disbelieving of the absurd situation.

"There is, and it's for him to mate." Sasori countered from his corner of the room, where he sat next to Kakuzu. I sighed in relief and shrugged my shoulders.

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