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Title: Issues
TW: mention of suicide

"You sure do eat fast, Naruto." I noted with a small laugh as he and I sat in a small field with bowls of ramen that I'd made just for him.

"It's because it's so good (Y/n)!" Naruto squealed happily and dove back into his bowl. I laughed once more before replying again.

"Well, yeah it is, but it's not that-" I began, but suddenly, the earth below us started shaking, the sky turning pitch black, and Naruto's eyes glowing a bright red, the intent to kill present.

"YOU! You betrayed me! How could you do that to me, you Akatsuki scum!" Naruto sprung at me with his claw-like nails, attempting to dig them into my skin. I dodged as quickly as I could, my breathing speeding up.

"No, Naruto wait! I'm sorry!" I yelled at him, but he continued to attack. He suddenly slid back and made a clone, starting a rasengan.

"And here I though you were supposed to be my best friend. I hate you, (Y/n)." Naruto sneered. The clone disappeared and he charged at me. I tried to dodge but I couldn't move. He was getting closer and closer, not even a foot away, hand aimed at my heart.

"No Naruto, please don't!" I screamed loudly.

I woke up with a start, swear drenching every cell of my body. My hands were shaking and tears rimmed my eyes. My eyes darted to my nightstand, only to see my medicine bottles empty. I let out a shaky breath before kicking the covers off of my body to go to Deidara's room. His presence always calmed me down, especially when he talked to me about his art, something he was passionate about. I padded down the hall quickly before stopping at his door and knocking lightly.

"Dei, can I come in?" I called through the closed door, respecting his privacy, something he never did with me.

"Yeah, sure!" Deidara yelled loudly, excitedly, before humming lightly at the end of his sentence as he usually did. I opened the door quickly and stepped inside swiftly, closing the door quietly behind me. Deidara looked up from his desk with a smile where he was currently molding clay, but his smile quickly changed into a frown.

"Hey, you don't look so good, what's wrong?" Deidra asked before wiping his hands on a towel that laid beside him. I exhaled heavily and went to sit on his bed, him now turning to face me.

"I had a bad nightmare. I just really miss Naruto." I explained, playing with my fingers.

"Why? You're here now." Deidara asked, causing me to look up at him. He looked irritated. Was he irritated by my presence?

"He's my best friend Dei, I love him." I explained painfully. Naruto was like the brother I never had in life. He cared for me like family.

"Then what am I?!? A toy you use to make yourself feel better whenever you get a little sad from losing your precious Naruto?!? I am so sick of this!" Deidara suddenly exploded more harshly than any of his art ever could. I stared at him shocked, mouth agape, and unable to reply. Deidara growled and stormed out of the room quickly after, leaving me a trembling mess. Tears stung at my eyes as I felt panic rise within me. My heartbeat started to thunder and my head felt dizzy from hyperventilating. Sasori wasn't done with my anxiety medicine that he made for me in secret, so I was screwed for the moment. I'd have to try and deal with this on my own.

This is what people call a panic attack, or hell on earth. Since I was no longer a part of the leaf village, I couldn't get medicine for my anxiety, chronic depression, and bipolar disorder. Out of everyone in the Akatsuki, only Sasori knows of my mental issues, because he's the one that so kindly agreed to make medicine for me, since my depression had gotten so bad, and I was thinking about suicide.

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