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Title: Skin

Attack, dodge, block, attack, dodge, block, attack, dodge, block. It was like this every day. Sasori and I would fight constantly, me attacking relentlessly while he dodged and blocked continually, though this wasn't a battle of fists, nor ninjutsu, or genjutsu. This was a battle of affection, with our lips.

Sasori and I are together, as faulty and as out of character as that sounds, but we might as well be single, since there is never any affection, ever. As we are all familiar with, Sasori is flesh covered wood. There is no blood, no muscle, and no warmth within him, aside from his core that is.

"Why won't you let me kiss you, you idiot!" I yelled loudly in frustration, punching my fist down harshly on the desk where Sasori was currently working at, fixing and making some adjustments on some of his battle puppets.

"Because there is no point. It would feel like polished wood on your lips, you wouldn't feel anything, and neither would I, since my body is designed that way. I would know that your lips are there obviously, but it wouldn't be a kiss by any means." Sasori explained, never pausing his work to give me an affirmation that he actually cared, or was listening.

"Then what are we supposed to do? I'm a needy girl Sasori, I crave affection and attention just like every other girl on the planet." I whined lightly, swinging my arms in an irritating manner, because I was trying to get Sasori's attention. Sasori sighed heavily and finally put his tools and parts to the side, so he could turn and look at me.

"I could offer you an embrace, though you already know that I'm not very skilled in that department." Sasori offered blankly. I smiled defeatedly before stretching my limbs out, getting up from his bed that he never used.

"It's the thought that counts, Sasori. But anyways, I gotta get going. I have a really long mission that I have to attend to today." I explained. I then stood fully and walked over to Sasori before wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Sasori patted my back lightly, making me frown. I finally kissed his cheek, then offered him a final smile, and exited his room with a defeated, disappointed sigh.

Two weeks had passed since I had first left for my solo intel mission, and I was absolutely beat and worked to the bone. I hadn't slept in an actual bed, I hadn't had an actual shower, nor had I had a halfway decent meal in these long two weeks. I was slightly irritated, but the thought of seeing Sasori soon put a bit of a peppy skip in my step.

When I'd actually entered the base, Sasori was there waiting for me. I immediately got excited and ran up to him, enveloping him in a hug, and then went to kiss his lips, though I abruptly stopped myself, a small frown adorning my face. I'd suddenly remembered the conversation he and I had about this particular display of affection, and pulled away from him. If he didn't want it, I wasn't going to push it.

"Sorry Sasori, I almost forgot." I admitted disappointedly, before continuing down the hallway and into my room for a long, much needed and deserved shower. After my shower, I got into pajamas, and then immediately went to bed with a feeling of slight emptiness inside of me. Though, with Sasori, he became highly uncomfortable at the thought of me being sad, so he set off to do some research, when Zetsu suddenly popped up.

"Why so glum looking, Sasori?" Zetsu asked, sounding concerned, though it was more so sarcastic than anything. Sasori sighed heavily, irritated at the lack of information, and at the sudden unwanted intrusion of his study time.

"He looks the same as always, you idiot." Zetsu's darker side chimed before Sasori could speak. Sasori gritted his teeth just slightly, and waited to see if the lighter side would retort, though when he didn't, Sasori explained.

"I'm trying to find a way to make a certain part of my body feel like skin, as well as have the normal sensation that nerves, and skin cells provide, but I haven't found anything yet and I've been at it for hours." Sasori explained, turning his attention back to the bodily transforming jutsu book in front of him. It went quiet for a few moments, though Zetsu hummed thoughtfully, annoying Sasori once more.

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