Itachi Uchiha

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Title: Lovely
(Song Included Above)

At one time, the Uchiha and the Daku were the two most powerful clans in the Leaf Village. Though, while the Uchiha and every other clan alike come from the Legendary Sage of Six Paths, the Daku were a branch of their own. They were pure vessels of raw demonic power; however, the hosts of the power were so gentle and kind that everything balanced completely, and all that was left was a regular being with inhuman abilities. And, like the Uchiha, the village elders feared the Daku, but the Daku have always been a special case. They can't be killed so easily.

Since the Daku were so kind and care so much for the wellbeing of others, the Daku moved out of the village in the name of peace. As soon as the Daku were out of the Leaf, they began dying off, one by one. Someone had figured out the easiest way to kill us off, and they began baiting us. That way? Love. The love of a Daku can rival and even overpower that of an Uchiha's easier than anything. You'll find out about this later. I was the last known Daku in the Shinobi world, and so, I moved back into the village.

I had moved back into my old house, the house I used to live in before all of the dreadful things began to happen. And it's hard, so hard being all alone, that is, until he appeared. Itachi was like an answered prayer. He was kind, caring, and empathetic. He was always there when I needed him most. He was also the one who convinced me to become a shinobi alongside him, so I wouldn't be as lonely anymore. Little did the two of us know that we had a one way, first class ticket to deep, gut wrenching, wretched loneliness. I had just turned thirteen right after Itachi, and to celebrate, the both of us decided to go to the tea house together.

"Hey Itachi?" I called to him, momentarily placing my skewer of dango down to fully turn my attention to him. He gave me the same respect before replying.

"Yes?" He said as he watched me intently, as he normally does. I sighed heavily with sad eyes and looked back down to my hands, contemplating how to say what I was about to ask.

"You wouldn't ever leave me, right?" I asked, then took my eyes away from my hands to place them on Itachi once more. He looked slightly taken aback by the question, but only in the most miniscule way possible, and with the blink of an eye, it was gone.

"No, I don't think I ever would, unless I absolutely had to. Why?" Itachi explained, then asked. I knew he would ask, he always does. I sighed heavily once more before preparing myself to reply.

"I was just asking. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you, so much." I replied, then offered. Itachi let a small, practically nonexistent to the untrained eye, smile slip onto his lips.

"I appreciate you too. Now, may I ask you a question?" Itachi said, causing me to smile as well, but his question caused a look of confusion to take over my features. He chuckled lightly at my perplexed expression. His laugh quickly shook me out of my momentary daze.

"Yeah, go ahead." I replied as soon as I'd rediscovered how vocal chords worked. Itachi became gravely serious in the matter of seconds, so serious that it almost scared me.

"Would you ever leave me?" Itachi asked, a look of genuine curiosity on his face. My entire body went stiff and my eyes widened at him. As I stared at his gentle face, my body began to unconsciously relax, and a small smile slipped onto my lips.

"No, I wouldn't. Unless I didn't have any other choice, that is." I replied, causing Itachi to seemingly relax in his chair.

"Good." Itachi replied. Though, as we sat there, we both thought about the other's reply, and then we both became on edge once more, nervous about what that meant.

No other choice.

That day, the both of us told the whole truth to one another, and it was good, but it hurt because we both had figured out the underlying message in our truth. We were both tools of the Leaf Village's underground operation, so we were never guaranteed a tomorrow the second we were initiated.

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