Nagato Uzumaki

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Title: Down The Rabbit Hole Part 2

Hours, days maybe, who knows how long later, my body decided that it was healed enough to become aware of things. A light groan escaped my lips and my eyes cracked open, only to be greeted by a bright orange mask. I was confused momentarily, but when I remembered who this man was, I jerked forward, planning to attack, but I was stopped dead in my tracks. A loud clanking echoed around us. My head snapped back to see chains cuffed to both of my wrists, however I was on an actual bed. I growled lowly and started gathering chakra into my hands, only to have it sucked away.

"Do you think I am a fool?" The man suddenly asked, a hint of amusement in his deep voice. I jerked on the chains once more, but it was in vain.

"No, but I think that you're fucking insane for stealing my best friend's dead body!" I screamed loudly, the sound bouncing off of the walls. The man sighed heavily and shook his head.

"I'm not crazy. I'm going to bring him back to life, I just need your participation." The man said. My whole body froze and my face showed that of shock, but I quickly wiped it away and replaced it with the most vicious glare I could muster.

"Die in a fucking hole. You're lying. You can't bring the dead back to-" I began, but the man cut me off.

"I've got a jutsu I can use. I just need your help and you have my word that I will bring him back." The man said. My mind was reeling at the thought of Nagato coming back to me.

"I don't think so. The dead are supposed to stay that way." I replied quickly. The man hummed mischievously, and his next words shocked me.

"Even if you're madly in love with him?" The man mused. My whole body froze over and air caught in my throat, small tears stinging the corners of my eyes. How the fuck did he know? Was I that obvious?

"Fine. What do I have to do?" I growled in defeat, my head hanging slightly in shame.

"Bring me four dead bodies of any random people, then bring me the remains of Deidara and Sasori of the Akatsuki." The man said without missing a beat. This struck me as odd, but I was getting Nagato back, so it didn't matter.

"Well, I can't, because I'm chained to a FUCKING WALL!" I began normally, but screamed toward the end.

"Zetsu, release her." The man said. I was confused as to who he was talking to, but a white thing came out of the wall by my head.

"Sure thing!" The thing, or man, whatever it was, exclaimed happily. I stared in shock as he literally pulled a key from his body and unlocked the cuffs. I sat there silently, staring in disgust, before I actually reacted.

"WHAT THE FUCK! If you ever- you know what, never mind, I'm going to kill some people." I growled angrily. The man held out a sword for me and I took it from his hands, not stopping to ask how to get out. I'd just punch my way out of this fucking hell hole.

The first thing I did was locate the two Akatsuki's remains, the artist duo, since that was what would take the longest, then I went out in search for bodies, however, I didn't look too far. After I found a group of four men hauling some chained women somewhere, I quickly killed them and let the women free. I was so fueled by anger, that carrying the four dead weight idiots was nothing.

"I got it all, Obito." I panted and dropped the bodies to the floor with a thud. I'd learned Obito's name from Zetsu, the white thing. Obito hummed in approval and painted a seal on the floor with his own blood before laying the rotting pieces of flesh on the floor, with the four bodies. I gag lightly at the smell, Deidara and Sasori smelled pretty gross, even though there wasn't much of them left.

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