Sasuke Uchiha

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Title: Battle Scars (Part 3)

Flashback Ten:

The day was gloomy. I was sitting in a big hospital room that had four beds, each one containing an injured person as a result of the Sasuke Retrieval mission. Choji, Neji, and Kiba were all here, but I was sitting next to Naruto's bed. Naruto had yet to wake up, being completely unconscious for a day and a half. The window suddenly opened, and in came an older man with long white hair. I was so emotionally, mentally, and physically drained that I didn't even stand up to get ready for a fight.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I called dully, sending a bored glance at the older man. The man pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wow, I love your enthusiasm for the one who helped save your life a few days ago, but no matter. I am Legendary Sanin, The Toad Master, Jiraya the Great, and Naruto's new teacher. Are you his girlfriend, pretty lady?" Jiraya began flashily, waving his arms around dramatically. He then placed his hand on his chin and a smirk on his lips as he eyed me up and down. I narrowed my eyes slightly and scoffed.

"My apologies Master Jiraya, and no, I'm just his friend. I'm looking out for him. I carried him all the way back here after his fight with- after his fight." I replied blankly. Jiraya listened to what I had to say intently before his face lit up with some sort of sudden realization.

"So you're the one Kakashi was talking about. Listen kid, you've probably already figured this out, but Naruto is coming with me to train, and he's not going to stop until he brings Sasuke back to the village or he dies trying." Jiraya lectured, a completely new attitude than what he came in here with. I was listening intently, when Naruto began to stir slightly in his sleep before waking up completely.

"Hey (Y/n). Ah man, how long have I been out for?" Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to see me, but he quickly closed them and began massaging the back of his head.

"Not too long, about two days now." I replied blankly, watching as he gritted his teeth in pain, probably a pretty bad headache, especially since the room is so bright.

"You really took a beating, huh kid?" Jiraya chimed in with a smirk on his face, but his eyes held something completely different. Naruto's eyes suddenly snapped open at the sound of Jiraya's voice.

"Pervy Sage?!? He didn't try to do any research on you, did he (Y/n)?!? Wait a minute... Sasuke! Where's Sasuke?!? Did you get him (Y/n)?!?" Naruto screeched, but paused, and then immediately began screeching again. Guilt and rage both coursed through my body as I placed my fingers on my throbbing temples. My teeth began to grit tightly, but before I could reply, Jiraya chimed in.

"Listen kid, Sasuke is lost. His mind is clouded by the darkness of hatred and revenge. Give up on-" Jiraya began, but I quickly zoned out, ignoring the rest of whatever he was saying. My own thoughts were taking over to the point of no return.

Flashback Eleven:

It had been just about two years since Naruto went with Jiraya, traveling and training, becoming stronger, learning valuable lessons, and hopefully staying out of trouble. I smiled softly at that. I often thought about what my last words to Sasuke were. "Just know, that if we ever cross paths again, I'll kill you without a second thought." And what Jiraya told me while Naruto was still out cold. "Listen kid, you've probably already figured this out, but Naruto is coming with me to train, and he's not going to stop until he brings Sasuke back to the village or he dies trying."

I figured that, since Naruto is training so hard to save his best friend, that I'd do everything in my power to protect him in the process, no matter what. Since the very day Naruto left, I trained every day without fail, and I took as many missions as I lawfully could. I expanded my skills in taijutsu, ninjutsu, my secret jutsu, and medical ninjutsu to become an 'ideal' ninja. I expanded my field experience as well, with all of these missions.

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