Rock Lee

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Quick reminder that requests are open, but before you request, please refer to chapter 2.

Title: Splendid Ninja

Birds chirped merrily overhead as they flew across the cloudless blue sky. The day was young, but the sun was high in the sky on this lovely spring day in Konoha. On team Gai's training field, I stood and cautiously watched as Gai himself, and his team arrived, right on time. They eyed me curiously, though Gai smiled and waved. I returned the act.

"Alrighty Team Gai, this is (Y/n). She graduated a year after you three did, but she's already a chunin. The Hokage noticed her outstanding amount of youth and signed her up for the exams himself. I asked her to help me with your training today because it just so happens to be that she is highly accomplished in each of your specialties. Taijutsu, weaponry, and everything defense. She has graciously agreed to helping you three today to assess whatever you're lacking in. Treat her with respect and she will do the same with you." Gai explained very vivaciously, pointing back at me. I smiled brightly at his high praise, though I'm sure he was over exaggerating. After his long-winded speech, I stepped forward and smiled at the trio before me. Two males, one female, each with different facial expressions.

"Well, hello everyone. I'm (Y/n). I hope I can teach you all something useful enough for you to continue to use, even though I'm younger." I began brightly, though I quickly became bashful toward the end, moving my eyes to the ground, my cheeks threatening to go red. Not a second later, the boy who greatly resembled Gai stepped forward with his hand outstretched, and a look of determination on his face.

"Hello miss! I am Rock Lee, handsome devil of the Leaf Village! I aspire to be a splendid ninja, even though I cannot use chakra. I hope that is not a problem for you." Lee preached, his confidence never wavering, though he quickly became serious and looked me in the eyes. I smiled at his concern and connected my hand with his, shaking it quickly, then releasing it.

"Nice to meet you Lee. There's no problem here, you've made it this far without any chakra, and you can only get better from here on out!" I cheered happily as I beamed at him. His expression turned to that of disbelief and his cheeks turned red. He nodded his head firmly and stepped back in place next to the girl, who smiled softly. She took a step forward and offered her hand out as well, which I readily took into my own, and shook momentarily, before letting it go again.

"Hello, I'm Tenten. I use weapons mostly, and I want to be the strongest kunoichi of our generation." She said with what sounded like dedication and determination. I smiled at her as well and nodded my head once, my smile just as big at her as it was with Lee.

"Lovely to meet you Tenten. I'm excited to work with you, I love the art of weaponry." I offered. She smiled, nodded, then walked back into her place between Lee and the other boy. I turned my head to look at him. He had long brown hair, a stoic, almost threatening expression, and hard lilac eyes, nothing like Hinata's. his arms were crossed over his chest and his nose was turned up to the sky.

"Neji Hyuga, byakugan user." He said simply, not moving at all as the other two did. I sighed heavily and tried my hardest to offer him the same treatment as I did his two teammates.

"Well, wonderful to meet you. Your cousin Hinata and I are great friends, we graduated together." I offered with a smile. He didn't reply at all, only glared harshly. I narrowed my eyes deeply and made a mental note to pick up the pace and show no mercy when sparring with him later on. I suppose Gai could sense the tension because he quickly stepped forward with his head held high, one hand on his hip, and the other in the form of a thumbs up.

"Alright then. (Y/n) will start with Tenten, I'll take Neji, and Rock Lee, you work on some individual training. When (Y/n) calls time, we will rotate. Give it your best my students, and show (Y/n) your youth!" Gai instructed flamboyantly. I released my tension, but didn't forget about it, then placed a smile on my face and turned to Tenten as the other two walked away to do as they were instructed. She smiled back at me before getting into position. I smirked back at her and readied myself as well.

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