Minato Namikaze

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Title: The Ghost of You
(Song Included Above)

My body felt as if it was adrift in a sea of calm, warm comfort. I couldn't remember anything at all, nothing that had led me to this point. It was dark, but someone seemed to be shaking me, like they were trying to shake me awake. When I felt that I could, I snapped my eyes open and jolted my body forward, only to be momentarily blinded. I quickly adjusted by blinking rapidly, though something wasn't right. I felt weird. I slowly drug my gaze up to the familiar blonde man in front of me, and things seemed to click, like my moment of complete disorientation didn't even happen.

"Earth to (Y/n)?!? Did you even hear me? I said I took the rest of the day off, so we could spend some time together." Minato scolded me slightly, his eyes narrowed, but a small smile played on his lips. My eyes widened slightly, a look of disbelief played on my face.

"What do you mean you took the day off for me?!? You're the Hokage of an entire village, and I'm just a girl! Your job should come before me!" I practically screeched as I scolded him. Minato chuckled but reached out and clasped his warm hands around my shoulders.

"What are you talking about? You're important to me too, you know." Minato said softly, looking straight into my soul with his oceanic orbs. My entire being began to warm up as he leaned in and placed his warm lips to my forehead, and slowly began pecking his way down to my cheek.

"Not as important as a village, though." I mumbled lowly. Minato stopped his ministrations and laughed once more before completely pulling my body to his, wrapping me up in a comforting embrace.

"Of course you are, I love you more than anything!" Minato yelled, causing a few villagers to glance our way questioningly. I went to hide my face in his chest, but a bright flash of red caught my eye. I glanced over to where a girl with long, beautiful red hair walked with two escorts.

"Hey Minato, who is that?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes to see her better, I'd never seen her in the village before, and since she had escorts, she had to come from somewhere relatively far away.

"Hmm? Oh, that's Kushina Uzumaki. She fled from her old village because of how poorly they were treating her, so I allowed her to become a leaf shinobi and resident." Minato explained as he looked her way as well. A look of something that I couldn't place fell over his face. It completely confused me, but I brushed it off to ask another question.

"That's terrible. Why were they mistreating her?" I asked as my expression fell to that of sympathy and worry for the girl. She looked thin, frail, and utterly exhausted.

"Because she's the 9 tails jinchuriki." Minato explained gravely, looking down to see my reaction. My eyes widened, but a serious expression adorned my face quickly after.

"The 9 tails jinchuriki huh? No matter, she's a person. Her hair is lovely, though." I said, then noted as I watched her healthy locks sway behind her. Minato hummed beside me, watching her again as well. After she had passed, we walked to Ichiraku Ramen. I was practically made of the stuff. As soon as the food arrived, I began eating, but stopped a few minutes later after noticing that Minato wasn't eating. My gaze flickered over to him to see him staring at me intently with a soft look on his features.

"What? Something on my face?" I asked and pulled the cloth from my lap and began wiping at my mouth. Minato chuckled and grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"No, nothing like that. I just love you, so so much (Y/n). You know that right?" Minato said, then asked. If it weren't for the tone of his voice, I'd be a blushing mess. My face grew serious as I set my cloth down on the counter in front of me.

"Of course I know that, and I love you even more, but, is everything okay?" I said as I reached out and grabbed his hand in mine worriedly, then asked. Minato sighed, then looked me right in the eye.

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