Asuma Sarutobi

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Title: Broken Walls

"Hiya! How can I help you?" I chimed just as happily as the bell on the door as a boy with tanned skin and dark hair walked into the store. His head shot over to me as he noticed me for the first time, since I was only a couple inches taller than the counter.

"You look a little too young to own this store." The boy pointed out, a suspicious look on his face.

"I don't, my family does, but I love to help!" I explained cheerfully.

"Well, okay. I'm Asuma Sarutobi! I'm gonna be a ninja, so I need some weapons and stuff." Asuma cheered, losing all suspicions. My eyes glimmered in admiration.

"Oh wow! I wish I could be a ninja, but my mom doesn't want me to, but I do like weapons so I spend a lot of my time here." I explained, pouting my lip a bit, but cheering back up at the end.

"Oh, well that's okay, you can help me find the perfect weapons then!" Asuma exclaimed, his dark eyes closed and a bright smile on his lips. I nodded my head quickly and walked him around the store, but his eyes locked on a double pair of chakra blades.

"Oh, do you like those?" I asked him, carefully pulling them down from the shelf to show them to him.

"Yeah, but I don't really know how to focus my chakra yet." Asuma explained, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. My eyes lit up once more with sheer excitement.

"Oh, I can help! Here, take them and I'll practice with you!" I exclaimed, handing him the blades. He took them with wide eyes, and a grateful smile.

"Gee, thanks a lot... Uh......" Asuma said, then trailed off. My eyes lit up with realization, he wanted my name.

"(Y/n), my name is (Y/n)!" I cheered brightly. He smiled softly and thanked me again.

~ Years Later ~

By now, all of the kids I grew up with, have genin teams, except for me. I'm not a ninja, but you most definitely could say that I've flourished. Like stated, I'm not a ninja, but instead, I help them train, my part time student being Teneten, since she so kindly asked me to help her out. I was currently training with the young girl, when several trees around us started falling.

"Teneten!" I yelled and jumped at her, hastily wrapping my body around her smaller one in case of any sharp debris. After everything had quieted down, I untucked my head and grabbed my katana, readying for a fight, only to lower it when Asuma and one of his students came running through the fallen brush, worried expressions plastered on their faces.

"Sorry about that, is everyone alright?" Asuma asked, his hand on the back of his neck, and a sheepish smile on his face.

"Yes, fine Asuma." I replied blankly, sheathing my katana back into its holster. Asuma's face lit up a bit at his name, but he also looked confused.

"Oh, hello Miss....." Asuma began, then trailed off. I sighed heavily and caught his eye.

"(Y/n). I sold you those blades." I replied simply, raising a hand to point to the blades on his belt.

"Oh, I remember! Listen, how about I take the two of you out to lunch as an apology." Asuma lit up with recognition, then asked. Teneten blushed lightly and gave me a devious smirk.

"Thanks Asuma Sensei, but Choji and I, uh, are going to train today! Yeah, that's it! He promised me a spar. Well, let's go, Choji. See you later (Y/n) Sensei!" Teneten exclaimed before running over to Choji, grabbing him, and running off with a wave. I threw a small glare her way, but she continued to smirk back at me, a light blush still on her cheeks.

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