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Title: Are You Real?

It was quiet, besides Hidan's snoring, that is. It was also boiling hot, because Hidan's body gave off a lot of heat. I woke up suddenly, my mouth dry and my back wet with perspiration. I sat up with a sigh and wiped at my face before kicking the blankets off of myself, then glanced over at Hidan. He was sweating and kicking around, and due to the pain in my calf, I guess he kicked me, waking me up in the process.

I groaned lightly and stepped out of the bed, still mostly asleep, for my eyes were closed the entire walk to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, leaning my body against the counter, and laying my head against the cool surface, only lifting my head to take small sips from the glass that was hanging haphazardly between my fingertips.

My eyes remained closed as I slowly drifted into the state of consciousness between asleep and awake, therefore, when something a couple of halls over slammed ferociously, causing the entire base to shake, I paid no heed to it, and allowed myself to continue to rest.

The sound of feet thundering, smacking on the stone floor rang out distantly, and continued to get louder, signaling that it was getting closer, though I was still resting on the countertop. Though, when the kitchen door busted open and crashed loudly against the rock wall, I lazily opened my eyes, thinking I was in a dream.

Hidan stood in the doorway to the kitchen, as pale as a ghost, and visibly sweating. His chest was heaving in panic and exhaustion, and his eyes were wild and terrified like a caged creature. Those animalistic eyes were searching frantically, until they landed on my figure, then stopped, and his whole body visibly tensed up even more.

I eyed his figure before blinking slowly, passing this off as a dream. Hidan remained there, rigid and panting, though a second later he took a very hesitant step forward. I didn't react at all, just opted for closing my eyes again. My mouth then felt dry, so I sat up a bit and pulled my glass to my lips once more, eyeing Hidan as he watched me carefully. He then took a few more steps closer.

"Are you real?" Hidan suddenly asked, his hesitant voice echoing slightly through the dark kitchen. His question floored me, so I slowly reached up to my face and pinched my cheek lightly until I was sure I felt it.

"I think so?" I replied, though it came out as a question. Hidan seemed to sigh in relief, then closed the distance between the two of us, so close in fact, that I noticed the glassy perspiration in his eyes.

"Good, come back to bed with me." Hidan demanded lightly as he placed my glass in the sink for me, then took my hand gently. So gently, in fact, that I thought I really was dreaming. Though, now, I was a bit more aware of my surroundings, due to the fact that I can feel his hand in mine, so everything I just heard and saw was real, including his unshed tears.

Hidan pulled me to his side, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, and walked me all the way back to our shared room. He got into our bed first, then pulled me in right next to him, holding me tightly as if I'd slip away. It was silent for a long while, until my thoughts slipped out of my mouth.

"Hidan, you okay?" I asked suddenly, watching him worriedly as his face seemed to be contorted in something like worry.

"No." Hidan replied bluntly as his sliver brows furrowed deeply. I sighed heavily and pulled my arm up to run my fingers through his hair, which was possible because it was gel free.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked as I lightly played with the silver strands. Hidan huffed lightly before looking me right in the eyes, which freaked me out, because he looked dead serious.

"I don't want to keep you awake and add to all of the other fucked up shit I've done to you." Hidan explained. My eyes grew in size, widening in disbelief at his words.

"Hidan, what the hell-" I began, but he quickly interrupted me, as if he knew exactly what he wanted to say.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I'm so fucking rude to you, and I curse and yell at you all the fucking time. The people who care about you here love to remind me of that, and they tell me that I don't fucking deserve you, and they're all right, because I'm a piece of shit boyfriend, and I'm sorry. But, I love you so much, and sometimes I think I'm dreaming because of how fucking great you are." Hidan responded, his expression filled with guilt. My disbelief and astonishment heightened incredibly as he spoke, almost to the point where I was speechless.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. What the hell is wrong with you?" I marveled, then questioned firmly.

"See, that's exactly what I fucking mean! I never compliment you or make you feel as special as you fucking deserve to feel, and I'm sorry." Hidan exclaimed, tugging at his hair in frustration and self loathing. I relaxed and allowed a small smile to tug at my lips. I then placed my hand on the small of Hidan's bare back, before rubbing soothing circles.

"It's okay Hidan, I forgive you, and I love you immensely, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I started this relationship with you. Now, tell me why you're so suddenly fucked up." I demanded lightly as I continued to soothe him. Hidan sighed heavily and put his face into his hands.

"I had a nightmare where I woke up and you weren't with me because you never existed, and when I really did wake up and you weren't in bed, I thought that it was all real. That was the worst fucking thing I've ever felt in my fucking life." Hidan grumbled through the barrier of his palms. My eyes widened again, sympathetically though.

"Well, I'm here, and I'm real, so stop being so soft and let me hold you so I can get some fucking sleep." I mused, knowing just how to make Hidan snap. Hidan jerked his head up with a glare, then pointed a finger at me accusingly.

"I'll show you soft, you little fucking shit!" Hidan boasted as he flipped around to face me. I smiled once more and laid down, pulling Hidan with me, before wrapping myself around him. He sighed dreamily and toyed with ends of my hair.

"I love you Hidan. Goodnight." I said after I'd closed my eyes. Hidan's body relaxed to its fullest extent, then he exhaled blissfully.


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