Madara Uchiha

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Title: Sadism At Its Finest

Blood, kunai, and even body parts flew through the smoke-filled air. Ah, war was upon us, and all hell was breaking loose, causing my sadistic inner demon to surface, more so than usual. Being a servant of the God of Chaos, destruction, and all things insanity, you could imagine that I was getting really excited about it all.

I was slashing at any and every enemy that so much as looked at me, and when I was done, I wanted more. Not just more blood, no, I wanted pain, lust, sheer agony. I wanted the blood of someone immaculate. I wanted the life force of the one who was practically orchestrating this whole ordeal. The one and only elder himself, Madara Uchiha.

After I'd cut down everyone trying to kill me in my area, I quickly spun around and locked my eyes onto the form of said Uchiha. He was sitting on top of a boulder, watching everything with a smug grin on his face. I chuckled viciously and began advancing toward him since I'd fulfilled my mission, protect Naruto, Kakashi, and Gai at any cost.

"(Y/n) don't! He's dangerous!" Kakashi yelled as he caught a glimpse of me making my move. I growled lightly and rolled my eyes before turning to him, an annoyed look on my face.

"Just who in the fuck do you think I am?!? This'll be a fucking treat, just back me up." I screamed back at my supposed teammate, who constantly doubted my ability to do anything, since he himself defeated, well, helped defeat a fellow Jashinist. Hidan was his name, well, is his name since he is still alive somewhere. I grew up with him, well only knowing him anyway. While Hidan destroyed and caused chaos for evil intentions, I destroyed and created chaos for good. Though, Lord Jashin most definitely was not pleased about the good part, it was still sheer destruction.

As of right now, as stated, the five great nations are fighting in the 4th Great Shinobi War, and I was out for blood, Madara Uchiha's blood to be specific. He was a ways away from my current position, however, I am a determined being, and I was determined to taste his blood more than anything. He was so powerful, and the smallest thought of his hot blood staining my sadistic smile was enough to make my knees weak.

"So, what's your plan?" Kakashi asked suddenly, causing me to come out of my sick little sexual day dream. My head tilted over to see him standing right next to me, looking up at Madara as well. I sighed heavily and turned my attention back to Madara. His chakra was invading my senses and it was driving me crazy, even though I already am just that.

"I'll distract him, you get me blood. You know, I'm a little parched, make it a double. I have a feeling he'll be a bit shocked by my magnificence, he'll tremble at Lord Jashin's number one follower!" I exclaimed proudly, clutching my silver pendant tightly as I preached. Kakashi sighed and rolled his eyes, causing me to clench my fists. Just as I was about to scream about him being an irreligious bastard, he cut me off.

"That is so disgusting." Kakashi scoffed lightly, causing me to raise my fist and throw a punch at his shoulder, which I landed effectively.

"You blasphemous non-believing asshole could never understand the great ways of my Lord! Just get me the fucking blood you single sharingan having fuck!" I screeched, shaking my fists at him. Kakashi held his hands up in surrender.

"Fine, fine, calm down and go distract." Kakashi said dramatically. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, though when I turned around, I smirked widely and readied my sword. There were several of the odd clones created by Madara. I laughed maniacally before charging forward, slicing though all of them as easily as a first-grade math test.

The closer I got to the Uchiha, the louder my laugh was to him, catching his attention. Finally, I was standing in front of him, my sword dripping blood eerily, but not as much as my body was, I was coated. Madara eyed me up and down curiously as I panted heavily with a crazed look in my eyes, and a maniacal smile on my lips. I shivered lightly under his ruby gaze, his chakra sending me into a frenzy.

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