Shino Aburame

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Title: Pestilence

I was breathing heavily, anxiety was building within me because I hated to keep her waiting when she was pissed. I was currently racing to the Hokage's office after some random anbu told me that she was looking for me, and apparently had been for a while. I stopped right at the door and composed myself before walking in slowly. Tsunade was sitting there with her hands in front of her mouth, staring at me as I walked in.

"(Y/n), you've got a mission. Your parter will be Shino Aburame, so after I give you the scroll with the details, go find him and leave within the hour." Tsunade demanded. I mentally sighed in relief and bowed lightly, then took the scroll from Shizune.

"Understood." I stated quickly and left the room, racing off to find Shino. We were in the academy together, I was one of the more unimportant student, one of the background ones that don't really get recognized, until now. I quickly found Shino with Hinata and Kiba, walking about leisurely. I took off in a sprint, then flipped over the group, landing right in front of them and successfully stopping the trio in their tracks, all with surprised looks on their faces.

"Shino, you and I have a mission. I have the details, Lady Tsunade said leave within the hour." I explained in one breath. After the initial shock of my sudden appearance, the group relaxed and took in the information I just spouted, though Shino still seemed a bit shocked, speechless.

"Hey (Y/n), how's it hanging? I haven't seen you since the academy." Kiba asked with a smirk plastered on his lips. He also took a step closer to me, so I quickly took a sidestep, I wasn't there for him.

"Fine Kiba, hello Hinata, I presume you're well?" I swerved Kiba, then asked Hinata. Upon being spoken to, Hinata bashfully looked to the ground.

"Y-yes, fine thanks." Hinata replied. I smiled lightly back at her, which she seen and returned, though Shino finally seemed to come out of his small state of shock.

"You didn't forget me?" Shino piped in. My head turned to his direction, a small smile still on my face, though my brow was slightly raised in confusion at his words.

"No. Why would I? You're important." I responded lightly, my smile growing a bit bigger. Shino's eyebrows raised slightly, so I assume his eyes widened.

"Well, well, well Shino, you didn't tell us-" Kiba began with his same signature smirk, though Shino cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I'll meet you at the gates, (Y/n)." Shino commented quickly. I nodded my head once, smiling at the group before turning to leave.

"Sure thing, bye Hinata, Kiba." I said, just before jumping off in the direction of my house to pack. After I had my bag on my shoulders, I left to the main gate and waited for Shino. It didn't take him long, though when he approached, he seemed, once again, shocked, surprised about something.

"What is it Shino?" I asked him curiously. Shino's eyebrows disappear behind his dark glasses quickly after I asked.

"I'm just surprised that you didn't leave without me. Why you ask? It's because most people forget to include me in things." Shino explained blankly. I almost laughed like it was a joke, but I knew he was serious. Instead, I opted for a small smile.

"Well, Tsunade gave me orders, and I wouldn't be as stupid as Naruto to forget you, if that's what you're referring to." I replied, allowing myself to laugh lightly as I did so. Shino and I then started head out of the village, walking down the main road.

"It's a nice change anyhow." Shino said, sighing lightly afterward. I hummed airily in reply. Shortly after that, Shino and I completed our mission, though now it is dark, and we're both completely exhausted.

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