Character info

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Name: Tsubaki Son (A/N the picture is Tsubaki only her hair is black and her eyes)

Age: 19 (Same age as Future Trunks) 

Birthday: November 6, 766

Race: Half Saiyan/ half-human

Height: 5'4''

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair color: Black

Eye color: black

Blood type: A

Flaws: Stubborn, lets her emotions control her actions at times.

Love Interest: Future Trunks

Likes: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, both versions of her family and friends. Sweets, fighting, training with Goku. Teasing Future Trunks and Vegeta, being around her parents. 

Dislikes: Android 18, 17, 22. Dr. Wyatt, people who only want power, evil people, being told what to do. Losing her family members.

Family: Bardock (Paternal grandfather, deceased), Gine (Paternal Grandmother, deceased), Grandpa Gohan (Paternal adoptive Grandfather, deceased), Ox-King (Maternal Grandfather), Future Son Goku (father, deceased), Future Chi-Chi (mother, alive), Son Goku (Present timeline Father, alive), Chi-Chi (Present timeline mother, alive), Son Gohan (Present timeline older brother, alive), Future Gohan (Gohan's counterpart in her timeline, older brother, deceased), Future Bulma Briefs (mother-in-law, alive), Videl (Present timeline Sister-in-law, alive), Son Goten (Present timeline, younger brother, alive), Pan (Niece, alive, not born yet), Future Trunks Briefs (Fiancee, alive), Vegeta (present timeline, father-in-law, alive), Bulma Briefs (Present timeline, mother-in-law, alive), Bulla Briefs ( present timeline sister-in-law, not born yet), Future Dr. Brief ( maternal grandfather-in-law), Future Panchy (maternal grandmother-in-law), Future King Vegeta (paternal grandfather-in-law).

Mentors: Future Gohan, Present Goku, Future King Kai, Present timeline Piccolo.

Appearance: Her hair is spiky at the top much like Goku's hair, but has grown out down to her back. She wears an outfit similar to Goku's gi but a little different. She always has on Goku's wrist bands and necklace that he had given to her before he died. After going back to her timeline, she dons a similar gi to that of Present Gohan's. When going back to the past and for the rest of the time in the present, she dons Goku's gi. She also maintains a similar hairstyle to Goku, although her hair changes shape a bit. She regularly will go to Chi-Chi for her to cut and style her hair, similar to Goku's. This usually makes the two argue a bit because Chi-chi would rather have her hair much more styled like hers.

Personality: Stubborn, kindhearted, short-tempered, Lovable, charming, charismatic, acts before thinking. Loves a good fight, trains a lot. She likes to help anyone that she can, so she goes out of her way to help. She often becomes stubborn when it comes to fighting, much like her father, she enjoys fighting and training. As she grew up being trained by Future Gohan, she has picked up some of his old habits. When angered, she can sometimes act very irrational and let her emotions dictate her actions. She becomes a bit more aggressive, much how Future Gohan behaved.


Tsubaki son was only a baby at the time Goku got the heart virus. She grew up to learn that her father had died and barely saw her older brother. When the androids appeared, they killed Piccolo someone close to her, and then started killing off the other Z fighters. She became friends with Trunks and before you know it, they had trained together. Every day and every night they had been training together. They ran into Gohan one day and started training with him, both having the common goal of turning Super Saiyan. Although she couldn't get too super Saiyan she still trained with him. They faced the androids and she was now more on par with 18. She was fighting alongside Gohan and when she saw Trunks in trouble she rushed over to help him, taking on 18 by herself. The androids decided to go after all of them and Gohan tried to get them to safety. Gohan lost his arm as a result of the androids playing around trying to blow up the place, but he continued to train them. Seeing the potential of his friend and younger sister, so he continued to push them. One day while training he pushed his sister to the limit and almost got her to go super Saiyan, which surprised them a lot. When Tsubaki went on a trip to find something for chichi, she ran into 17. She and 17 fought for an hour before she couldn't go on and was about to die only to be saved by Gohan. After that, Gohan and the two teens were out before knowing that the androids were around. Gohan knocked them out and went after the androids before dying. When they awoke and found Gohan dead, Trunks turned super Saiyan while Tsubaki went super Saiyan two. Now they are going to the past to warn others about the heart virus and the androids. Kid Tsubaki and Kid Trunks are the same age as well in the current timeline.

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