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I watched as everyone threw their caps in the air. It was the sign that college is finally over. I was free, but I was ready to face the reality that I was going to be another economic and corporate slave yet to operate in the corporate world. But I shrugged it off because I knew I was facing the big bad world with him- Zachary Larson. We've been friends since the freshman year of college and we never had anyone else but the both of us. As I look at him in the front row smiling politely at the people congratulating him, of course, he was the Magna Cum Laude. I was proud of him, he never disappoints. He was just perfect- my kind of perfect.

As I look at him I remember the first day we met. I was at sitting alone in the field with my earphones stuck in my ears watching Riverdale


"Holy crap, I bet it's gonna be betty's mom. It has to be her. She's a fucking psycho" I told myself. I said as I reached out to my water bottle inside my bag but instead of my bag, I gripped into something hard- an arm perhaps. I was shocked and I was a bit paralyzed because a stranger is sitting behind me. I slowly looked at it and saw it was a guy- a handsome one at that. I noticed him intensely looking at my laptop screen. I should be shooing him way right? But...who was I to shoo God's blessing anyway, I am nothing but a mere mortal- so I shall receive the said blessing, Amen.

And suddenly he spoke,

"yeah she's a psycho but I'd bet my dollar on one of the Blossoms." He said still looking at the screen

I raised an eyebrow

"That's Jason's family! I say no Blossom is gonna come out a criminal. He's the perfect sibling or child why would they kill him?" I said and returned my gaze to my Laptop

"Well, If I was the writer of the series I'd probably make the non-suspects be suspects so they'd be confused and the focus wouldn't be on them. Making them the perfect killers. No one expected. Because people thought they had it all figured out but they don't. Trust me" He said and I felt his breath on my neck

I almost melted I swear to the heavens up above

The episode finally ended and I was just #sHookt in this episode. He stood up and dusted off his jeans. He looked down at me and quirked an eyebrow as if saying – "I told you so"

Brown hair and light hazel eyes which makes it golden when the sun hits the right spot. A jaw every girl would die for, a pointed nose and a good facial structure. Damn.

"Zachary Larson, BA freshman," He said and offered me his hand to shake I took it willingly. What? It's not every day a handsome stranger sits behind you and has the same taste in series with you right?

"Persephone Argos, BA Freshman," I said with a smile

There was silence.

"BA1A?" we both asked simultaneously.

And then we laughed

"Guess, I won't be a total loner from now on," He said and put his right hand on his pocket as he slung his backpack with the other.

"Guess I finally have someone to copy homework from" I smirked at him

"Pizza?" he asked I just nodded at him and gathered my things and went off to that Pizza Parlor.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Zachary in front of me shaking my shoulders.

"Hey, pipsqueak! We did it!" he said and hugged me

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