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It's been a year since she went away. I still can't bring myself to say that she's dead because I refused to believe she was. I still felt like she was with me, the house still looks like she's in it. Her room smells like she was still there. No one dared touch her room.

I was still in the process of accepting everything. Because I still can't wrap my head around it even if I tried. It's impossible to do so because she was always in my mind, she was in my heart and I can still feel her touch lingering even if it was a year after.

The three of us grieved together, we held each other when we needed to. Philip was now the head of Joan of Arc- the institute I found Persephone in. He decided to change its name to Argos, Persephone's maiden last name. I fired Geraldine after buying the place because of our last encounter. We decided to upgrade everything from the quality of service to the actual quality of the facilities. We wanted to make sure we took care of each of the patients inside. Persephone would have wanted that.

Leslie moved to a new house, she couldn't stay where she and Persephone used to because it was too much for her. I understand her on that part but our difference was- I wasn't ready to let go of the only thing that keeps me tied to her aside our wedding ring. She wanted to start fresh, she became an alcoholic before but she got out of it because we knew Persephone wouldn't like that. She also has someone now, Richard, he's taking care of her now and if Persephone was here she'd be cheering for them like freaking cheerleader. I smiled at the thought because it was a very Persephone thing to do.

As for me? I was still stuck walking in circles. I kept working and splitting my time for Argos to visit from time to time. I didn't date because my heart was still with her, I wasn't that ready to replace her. Because I know no one could come close to her perfection.

I walked to the mausoleum, it was not as extravagant as I'd like it to be. It was a simple one with greek pillars holding it together. I opened the door and was instantly greeted with her painting.

She looked stunning, her long raven hair flowing through the wind. This was taken during our wedding. It was before they opened the doors at the cathedral. She was smiling and her stormy gray eyes sparkled. It was not a happy day for me, but it was for her. I just wished I could have given her the wedding she deserved before. It was one of my plans but we weren't able to do that. I laid the sunflowers on top of her marble tomb, the place smelled like her. I always make it a habit to buy the scented candles that she liked- a hint of brewed coffee and vanilla, that was what she smelled like.

I grazed the marble and laid my hand on it.

"I wish you were here, you would have seen what we're doing now. We're managing, me on the other hand- barely" I spoke and looked at her picture.

I told her stories like I usually do. I come here to vent out and I'd come home feeling lighter, it was how she made me feel when she was still here.

She was home. And when you're at home you feel at ease.

It was dark outside now, I decided to go out. I blew all of the candles and took the last breath inhaling her scent.

"bye babe, I love you," I said and patted the marble.

I started walking outside.

I started driving to the diner I and Persephone usually ate. It's been our go-to place when we were in College. It was the place where we first hung out and stuffed our faces with pizza.

I stopped the engine and stepped out of my car and headed to the entrance. I got my usual order and headed to our spot. I settled there and took my phone out only to watch her pictures. I transferred all of her documents and pictures from the iPad to my phone. She's even my wallpaper, damn it.

I kept scrolling and scrolling as I ate my pizza.

"tephany!" A kid giggled behind me. I quickly turned to him out of curiosity.

I almost choked on my pizza when I saw the kid. He has grey eyes and a brown mop of hair. He had full rosy cheeks, the kind of cheeks you can't help but pinch? Yeah, he was that cute. But what caught me off guard was his eyes- it was the same stormy gray eyes I fell in love with two years ago. It was an exact replica of Persephone's eyes.

This must have been what Prince Zander would have looked like... what a sight. I felt my heart breaking all over again, my mind was buzzing with the thoughts of what could have been's. And I don't like that, it chokes the hell out of me. Because they were nothing but wishful thinking.

I swiped my phone again to show a different picture and the kid just clapped and giggled at the picture, his two existing baby teeth peeked out and I immediately fell in love with the kid. But still, a well of deep sadness still echoed in me.

"tephany!" he kept giggling

He must two or three years old to be able to make out those words. I kept wiping and swiping until a lady stepped in.

"Alexander! Don't bother the man." Said a girl approaching us, her back was facing me as she tried settling the baby in his baby seat.

She turned to me with an apologetic expression. I almost doubled over.

"I'm sorry about my little brother, he can be quite nosey sometimes," she said.

She had a blonde hair paired with the same piercing grey eyes, but much darker than my wife's. But still, if you'd compare them they'd pass off as sisters.

"Stephanie," She said handing her hand out for her to shake.

"Zach," I said and firmly gripped her hands.

I saw her blush in an instant. I let her hand go and looked at the child.

"C-c-can I carry him?" I asked stuttering.

"h-huh? Sure! Sure, wait a sec" She said and got the baby out of his baby seat.

I held the child like her was a fragile being. I looked at him as he reached his hand up to me, I smiled a little at his action. Our Zander would have looked like this child. He was giggling in my hold with his hand reaching out, I played with his tiny fingers.

"Your wife is one lucky girl, you'd be an awesome father," Stephanie said smiling at me.

I snapped my head in her direction and saw her looking at my wedding band. I just smiled at her.

"I'm the one that was lucky," I said solemnly smiling at her. I said and handed her the baby again.

She placed him on his baby seat and stood idly in front of me as if expecting me to say something.

What does she want me to say? That she kind of resemble my wife?

I coughed to ease the silence and spoke "It was nice meeting you and your little brother, I have to got" I said and smiled at her while gathering my things at the table.

I hurriedly went out of the diner because not only the memories were suffocating me. But to come face to face with your biggest what could have been? it wasn't good for me. It could land me in a bigger hole I won't get out of.

And I'm not an idiot to dive in that deep again, not this time.

the end.

Hey readers! Irrevocably is finally done!!!!! tell me what you guys thought. It took me two years to finish this book - almost three years I think. I really appreciate every vote, every comment you guys give me! I hope you also read the books I have coming up next. Again, thank you for bringing my dream back. I never thought I'd write something again and finish it. Thank you! I love ya'll! -SMDA

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