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It's been a week and she always kept herself locked in her room. She only goes out when she knows I was asleep, how do I know? Well, I see newly washed dishes by the sink by the time I come down. Day time was easier because the house was just quiet. But by nighttime, it was eerie because I'd hear her cry through the thin wall separating us. I can hear her scrambling through her room moving chairs, opening drawers and then slamming them. She'd have nightmares and I don't know how I helped her through it, mainly because I was the cause of it. I took away the sharp objects in her room just in case she does something to herself. She needed help, that I was sure of. But I can't give her any help if she wasn't willing to help herself out. I couldn't work as well because of the constant worry I was under, I kept thinking about what she was doing right now if she was eating.

I didn't know that I was reading the same paragraph for the past 30 minutes, I snapped out of that trail when I heard a knock at my door and called for them to come in. It was my assistant, Samantha.

"Mr. Larson, I'm done for the day," She said and placed the papers on my desk and stood in front of me

"Oh, what time is it?" I asked

"It's 6PM, sir, you better head out too. It's raining quite hard outside" She said and looked at the window for a quick second and brought it back to me

"6PM? I didn't notice the time. Go ahead, thank you for today. See you next week." I told her and gestured for her to get out. She just nodded at me and turned her back on me and walked out.

After a few minutes, I gathered my things and went out to lock my office. I turned my phone on and saw what date it was today – shit.

I quickly went to the parking lot and got in my car after finding it.


I locked the front door and hung my coat at our stand and made my way to the kitchen. On my way there I noticed someone was sitting by the window on the living room, I stopped in my tracks and turned my head to see who it was- Persephone.

She had a mug in her hand, dressed in her pajamas and a long-sleeved shirt that was big on her. I just took the sight in and walked to her.

"Hey Persephone," I said, she looked at me and at the things I had in my hand. "They're for you," I said as I handed her a bouquet of Peonies- her favorite flowers.

"Happy Birthday," I said.

She didn't speak, she placed the mug down and reached out to them slowly.

"Thank you" She murmured. "I forgot about it" she then added while touching the flowers.

"I wouldn't, no matter what," I said and gave her a brief smile.  She didn't answer back, she was just so into the flowers.

"Do you want to go out? Let's eat at that fancy restaurant you said you liked before." I offered her, shifting my weight on my feet.

"No thank you," She said and stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a vase to place the flowers in. After placing the flowers on the vase she then began walking to the staircase, locking herself in her room yet again. It's the first time I've seen her out of her room after the incident. I followed her to the staircase, I trailed right behind her.

"W-we can watch a movie if you want? And order some food." I offered

"I'm fine, Invite someone if you're bored. Bored enough to spend time with me" She said

Woah, was that anger? She never talked to me that way before. We were near her bedroom door and I reached for her hand and turned her to me. She began shaking with her eyes wide, she must think that I was gonna hurt her again.

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