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It's been roughly a month since my fight with Zach and he never tried reaching out to me. I guess that was the end of our friendship. I admit I cried my ass out for the first two weeks, because not only did I lose my best friend, I also got rejected by the guy I like. I kept thinking he wasn't the Zach that I used to know. I began questioning if I even knew him that well these past few years. I was so confused now he was just somebody that I used to know.

Well, crying won't get me anywhere. I need to get on with my life because for sure he got his up and running while everything around me was crumbling. I've been in countless job interviews and some of them even called me back for employment, at least something good was finally happening. But of course, there was still this nagging feeling inside of me that was sad because some plans weren't going according to plan. But what can I do about it? I tried to be a good friend and tell him what was going on but love can make you do stupid things and turn you blind. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my mom knock on my door.

"Come in" I called out and mom opened the door slowly and walked to my bed and sat slowly.

"Hey honey, You need to come down. The Larson's are here" She said and offered me a faint smile.

My heart started beating like bat shit crazy. What the hell was he doing here? I swore I made no contact with him even though I badly wanted to. I kept my distance even though it hurt like hell- I respected him enough to do that.

"u-hmm I'll be down in a minute," I said and went to the bathroom to calm myself.

What does he want now? I made it my mission to avoid him because that's what he wanted right? I'm giving him his space.

I heard my door click close. I splashed my face with water and dried it off with a towel. I combed my hair to look presentable and not appear miserable like I truly was. Let's just pretend I'm okay, that's where I'm good at anyway. I sucked in a break and headed downstairs. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Larson seated on our coach silently discussing something. While I can hear my mom preparing what appears to be tea. And there he was, sitting down his head down low with his hands clamped together.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Larson.," I said and offered them a smile. I noticed him look up when I didn't call his name "Zachary" I sad and nodded in his direction.

I sat down on the couch opposite in their direction. I felt his gaze on me

"What's the sudden visit about?" I asked them not bothering if my tone was a bit harsh. I mean, who wouldn't be? The boy who broke my heart was in front of me. Is he here to grovel and beg me to be his friend again in front of his parents? Well, I'd like that.

"I-I'm sorry, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I said sheepishly at them and passed Zach's mom a gentle smile.

"At least you woke u in yours and not someone else's," Said Zach's dad.

I froze in my seat and looked at Zach as if asking him "How the hell does your father know?!" I swear I can stab with just a spoon, I'm enraged as it is.

"Excuse me?"I finally found my voice, it was a bit shaky. Trust me, it's not because I'm fucking scared. It's because I'm enraged!

"Hush Alexander." Mrs. Larson said shushing her husband "What we mean is, we're here to negotiate dear" She said

I quirked an eyebrow.

"Negotiate what? Because as far as I know Mrs. Larson, me and Zach are no longer friends. What more can you want from me?" I said, there was no pulling me out of the sinkhole I'm in.

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