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I've been visiting the foundation quite often these past few days. Geraldine has been enjoying my visits. But I wasn't here to enjoy it. I was here to follow my guts because something was telling me that something wasn't adding up. Ever since that brief encounter with that stranger, my mind has been on whirlwind! I was going crazy trying to rack up my brain for some answers.

The thought of us having a child is actually terrifying but it was a good kind of nervousness. I was just terrified that I will turn into this absentee father given my track record with my wife... I wasn't the best male model.

But I'll make it up to her somehow.

I went and did my usual routine. I played with the kids on the playground and then some basketball with the guys here. At first, I was really afraid of them because some of them were really intimidating to look at they had bandages on them and tattoos, yeah sure think of me as a wuss but I was a good boy back in High School okay? I wasn't the douche walking in the center aisle with his "dudes" I was that kid who was too busy in his own world to clash himself with the petty high school drama. Some would say I was really mature for my age but when College came I did a fuckin flip when I met Persephone, I never cussed in High School she was the first one who got me to say my first swear word, I know what a loser right?

But Geraldine urged me to play with them because she said the ones who have the permission to play outside was stable enough to interact with another human being. They were actually cool, who would have known I'd have friends here they were like regular guys but damaged. All of us are damaged, but some are more than the others.

I've been searching for Persephone on my time here but still no sight of her. I've been to many wings. Sometimes I'd been in the Elders and play chess games with them to pass time.

I was currently in the Elder's wing. Playing with Mr. Smith, he was a schizophrenic. But he was a good company sure, he'd say and point at something and say creepy shit which caused my heart to race a bit.

"Y'know son, back in my time girls were all over me," He said with a laugh and moved a piece on the board

"Oh Mr. Smith that I believe" I replied as I calculated my pieces for my next step

"Good move son. And you know the funny thing about having them fall for me?" he said as he leaned back in his chair and looked at me seriously

Okay, weird Mr. Smith mode on.

"What?" I asked him my elbows resting on my lap as I look at him

"I still didn't get the only girl that mattered." He said and puffed out a sigh

"Why?" I asked him straightening up.

"He saw me for who I really was.." he looked at the pieces and I could feel his sadness.

"He saw an amazing but weird man?" I said drawling out my words with a slight smile on my face. He was an incredible man riddled with sickness we don't know how to get rid of.

"No. A monster." He said clenching his fist


That word brought back the stinging feeling in my heart. I too was a monster to the girl that mattered.

"I killed her you know. I killed her." He said with anger and misery laced in his voice "I killed her hahaha!" he then busted out laughing which caused me to stand up and take a step away from him to call a nurse.

But instead of walking away he grabbed my hand.

"Guys like us? We don't change son, we just rot to the core until we have nothing left anymore. We don't change!!" He shouted at me with a smirk playing in his lips his right eye slightly twitching.

Two nurses finally went to his side and took him away. When we were separated he started kicking in the air, kicking the chess board flying in the air. He was laughing hysterically

"I'm a monster!! And so are you!! So are you!!" he shouted repeatedly and I couldn't do anything but listen to him, It was true, I was a monster but for it to be said face to face? It made all of my mistakes real—too real. I felt my heart do an all-time low and slump in the deepest and darkest corner of my being.

The nurse injected something in his neck which caused him to drift off to sleep and I watched as the nurses carry him out of the lounge.

When he was out of sight, I knelt down and picked up the pieces lying on the ground.

Someone knelt down beside me and picked up the pieces on her side. I looked up and saw it was an old lady.

"I'm sorry about Smithy, it's his wife's death anniversary. He snapped darling" She said with a soft smile on her lips.

I just nodded at her, I wasn't in a mood to talk to her. I kept picking up the pieces that lay on the ground.

"Come on, a lad like you shouldn't be sulking about something a guy like him said. Let me introduce you to my granddaughter" She said and held unto my arms and dragged me to a foreign wing which I assume was the women's wing.

I kept walking with her for the heck of it.

She opened the door and it was really quiet, no one was in the lounge-like the other wings. It was really deserted. She led me to a room.

She stopped in front of it and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the person behind it wasn't opening it.

"Honey, this is Grandma! Open the door please." She said sweetly leaning her ear on the door.

A few moments later she opened it and the woman held up a finger saying wait a second. She entered and I heard them talking

"Oh grandma, he looks so peaceful. Look, look! He's got his father's eyes. My angel" The girl inside giggled.

"He sure does honey." She said in a comforting manner a while later she spoke up "I have someone out there, I want you to meet him, honey"

"He? Is he taking my son away?! No grandma! I won't let him have my baby! My baby is mine! No grandma! No grandma!" The girl cried to the woman inside I could also hear both of them shuffling and a pillow even made it outside guess she threw it out.

"No honey no, he's not taking your baby he's just here to talk to you. He is really nice honey "She said comforting the girl

"He won't take my baby grandma?" the girl asked

"No honey, he'll have to go through me first," She said sweetly

The girl giggled and the woman appeared outside again only to gesture me to come in.

I walked behind her and when I entered the room there was a girl on the bed, carrying a baby in her arms

"Mommy has a friend outside baby. Don't be noisy okay?" She giggled.

I swear I was sweating and shit. I was almost attacked by an old guy a while ago. God knows what these girls are going to do to me I was uttering a silent prayer.

"Peony meet-" she suddenly remembered she didn't know my name.

"Zach" I answered her with a tight-lipped smile

"Marissa," She said to me.

Oh, so Marissa was her name.

The girl was sporting a pixie cut and when she turned around I swear my world stopped yet again.

"Persephone..." I breathed out

I was sure as hell my knees were about to give up.

She was right in front of me.

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