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I was stuck with my boring same old routine. Wake up Early, Pick out his attire for the day while he's in the shower, Fix his breakfast and climb upstairs once I hear his door open.

I stretched while making my way to his room and sneaked a look to see if he was still in his bed and turns out he wasn't. I heard no drizzle from his shower he must be finishing up so I sped up and picked his clothes for him. After that, I made my way downstairs so I could prepare for his breakfast. But boy was I in for a surprise.

"Mother of-" I placed my hand on my heart due to shock

"Good Morning" Zac greeted me with a smile-- the first smile after everything went downhill. Good for him... He was by the stove busy frying something pancakes maybe? I just stood there dumbfounded, gawking at him like the first time I ever saw him.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked him as I rounded the kitchen aisle to get my cereal.

"I already made you your weird oatmeal," He said and flashed me his megawatt smile. To which I returned with a weird look

"okay.." I dragged the word out of my mouth and went to the table and sat down... awkwardly might I add?

This. This was all I wanted back then, me waking up to his cooking and sometimes waking him up with my home-cooked meals.

And the sad thing is? This sight or vision no longer caused warmth to spread through my whole body and once again I was just...numb. I felt nothing and that's scary.

I was jumbled up on my thoughts when he places pancakes in front of me and grabbed a chocolate syrup from the cabinet and placed it beside my plate.

"I was supposed to pick up Maple but then I remembered you love chocolate more than anything in this world." He starts rambling with a nervous smile on his face as I look up at him.

"neither is fine," I replied curtly.

"So uhm.. Persephone wo-" I cut him off by saying

"Why are you wearing those? Shouldn't you be headed to your office by 8?" I said as I gulped a large amount from my bowl and did a once over on him wondering why he was wearing a casual set of clothes.

"I decided to take the day off... I was hoping I could spend it with you," he said as he dove into his set of pancakes whilst I choked on my food. Coughing, I reached for the water.

Silence filled the dining room and I swore I could hear crickets in the background. I had to break it.

"Stop this," I said

He looked at me as if I grew a second head.

"What?" He asked

"Stop this, whatever you're doing. I would've loved it if you did this six months ago. I would leap for joy" I said bitterly

"Persephone," he called following a deep breath "I'm doing this to make up for those dreadful six months. Just please....let me" I could see that this was breaking him. At least he was at that stage while I had nothing in me anymore. I had no one.

"Oh please, you think you could cook for me and think everything would be better? I know you! You would do everything to make me forgive you because you hate knowing that someone out there hates your guts! Once I forgive you, you'll fuck everything up again and take it out on me! And who would be at the receiving end yet again? Me! You have no idea what I went through! I don't care if you cook for me for the rest of your life but hell should bend over first to make me forgive you!" I ranted in a single puff, I could feel my veins popping and my cheeks flushing.

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