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I parked my car in the available parking lot. Before going out of the car I fixed my tie while looking at the mirror. When I knew I looked decent, I stepped out of the car and headed to Joan of Arc's main entrance. I knew my mom would drag me by the ear if I didn't represent her at this function. So here I was walking to the main entrance and gave my invite when I got there. The usherette guided me to my table.

I looked around and observed the place my mom was investing in. I remember my mom always dragged me to these kinds of functions. She said we needed to give back from time to time, especially to those who didn't have anything.

"Mr. Larson, it's a pleasure to have you this evening. I'm Geraldine, I'm the headmistress of this institution. Let's get started on your tour why don't we?" She asked with a faint smile on her lips.

I thought Joan of Arc was another country club my mother funded but it turns out this is a Mental Health Facility, they mostly take in people who can't afford the medicine or have any access to it. It's a good thing actually, it's a way to lessen casualties. God knows how many people out there need help. When it comes to fighting this stigma, there are no actual guidelines or manuals on how to deal with these kinds of cases. Each one of them is a different one and requires a distinct approach.

The place was really peaceful, I can see some people lounging in their halls. See, here in their facility everyone is separated. The boys are in a different hall while the girls also have their own as well as their elders. The other ones are for the flight risks, people who are a danger to themselves. I guess that's a good way to separate each group so that it's peaceful. They have playgrounds, basketball courts some guys could play in. And the elders were busy playing their board games or just watching the television.

When you look at it plainly, they look like people who just went on a vacation here. But when you go in-depth, you'd see that they have their own little cracks—as I do.

Geraldine here does an awesome job of keeping this place intact.

"We're really thankful your family decided to pick us, this really means a lot not only to me but also to these people." She said while looking out at their garden where some people are playing, teenagers running around as well as children

"You must be thinking why there are children in this facility," She said and glanced at me for a few seconds and looked back at the people in the garden.

"We're not one to turn away people, this facility also became an orphanage-and before you say anything, this is the absolute worst environment for kids to grow up in," She said sadly

"As long as you separate them properly, I think there wouldn't be any problems. I can see that they're taken care of and have no problem adjusting to this environment" I said with my hands in my pocket.

"Mister! Watch out" Said a boy who was running to me, and I didn't understand why he was calling for me


That freaking kid hit me with a soccer ball, on the balls! I groaned in pain reeling the anger in. Damn this brat

I can see the child mimic my grunting and cup his as I leaned down trying to calm my breath and lessen my pain

"Oh my! I'm sorry Mr. Larson!" Said Geraldine crouching to my level with her hands covering her mouth because of the shock "Michael! Come here now and apologize!" She said with her hands on her waist

"He's gonna eat me alive!!" Said a scared Michael inching away from us

"No, Mr. Larson is a kind man. Now go and say sorry" She said sternly

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