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The sun was making its way through the room and it irritated me. I fluttered my eyes open as I reached the space beside me and felt nothing. I immediately jolted up and saw Zach wasn't there. I wonder where he was, he isn't in the bathroom because I couldn't hear the faucet running. He must be downstairs doing something. I dragged myself out of the bed and made my way downstairs hoping he was there. While on the staircase, I could hear tinkering in the kitchen so I made my way there fastly because we all this guy can't cook to save his life. So as I was dashing there I saw him moving through the kitchen like he owned it. I just leaned on the door while looking at him, that's my husband all right. The thought hits me, I'm still new to this "my husband" thing. It sure feels nice, it feels foreign but it does feel right. I looked at him as he moved in the kitchen and he suddenly bumped to the corner of the countertop top which he yelped in pain. I laughed at how frustrated he look, cursing and all while holding a pan and a spatula in his cute frilly apron.

He looked at me and shot me an apologetic smile. It melted my heart, everything is finally in place and everything is right. I'm sorry but I'm still on dreamland after everything. Every time he looks at me, I don't feel broken or weak. I was okay, this was what I imagined back then. And it was now a reality, I thought it was a far fetched Idea but now we're here.

"I made you breakfast. I know you usually cook me breakfast but for a change, I tried to cook you a heavenly breakfast" he said enthusiastically while slowly and softly dragging me to the table. I let him drag me to the chair, he slowly pulled it out and I sat on it.

Woah, he cooked me breakfast. He's got the bacon, the waffles, pancakes, the hotdog, and my favorite tea and of course my weird oatmeal. he's the best.

"I love it. Thank you Zach" I said as I reached out to get one on every plate. He looked at me with his mouth agape. I raised my eyes to his and raised a brow "What a girl has to eat, I've been out for days!" I said with a chuckle.

"You look beautiful." He said out of nowhere as he looked at me with a smile on his face and his eyes trained on me

"Who could be beautiful in the mornings." I shrugged

"My wife is." He said with a large smile on his face and started eating to his heart content.

I can feel my face getting red because of what he said. I'll never get used to it.

"So.. what are we up to today?" I asked him with my mouth full, I know, so unladylike.

"Well, what do you want? Do you want to go to the lake near here?" he said

I pointed to my chest, I had major surgery he can't make me do something strenuous. "well, I got this condition if you might not know" I sarcastically answered him

"Oh right, I forgot. Let's watch the sunset again?" He asked

"Perfect" I smiled at him.

Then we resumed eating in silence.


I waited for her by the balcony. It became a habit you know? We would always wait for the sun to set for the past few days we've been here. We enjoyed the long walks around the place, sometimes with banter and sometimes with silence. And I didn't even care about the silence, as long as I have her beside me it would be fine. I was sitting there peacefully until I heard a click behind me. And there behold, my wife holding a camera pointed at me. I walked to her and held her hand while we were walking to the balcony.

"Here give me the camera, I want to take photos of you, "I told her but she held on tightly unto the camera.

"I look hideous!" She answered

"No, you're not. You look beautiful." I told her as she slowly loosened her grasp on the camera. I fixed the setting and pointed it at her "Smile, darling" I said and took pictures of her. One was her looking at the camera with solemn emotion. The next was her sporting a shy smile, a picture with her hiding half of her face, one with her tongue out being all silly and one was her looking in front of her but her eyes were on me her side profile was all I could see. She was breathtaking without even knowing it.

I placed the camera down and held her hand as we watched the sun go down. Her fingers were drumming silently. I heard her sniffle. I turned my head to her and saw tears streaming down on her face. I quickly scrambled to my feet and knelt in front of her.

"is it hurting. Babe what's happening you're scaring me." I said my voice shaking as I felt her shoulders and arms if there was something wrong with her. She just shook her head no and pointed to her heart.

"My heart hurts, Zachary," She said softly sobbing

"I'll go get your meds okay! Wait for me baby breathe." I said standing up to get to her kit but she stopped me and held unto my heart "It's incurable. My heart hurts.. not because of the wound. But because its just my heart, it hurts im missing him" She sobbed fully/



I knelt in front of her and took her hand

"Who babe?" I asked her

"Yesterday was my due supposed to be the due date" She whimpered

Oh. That. She was talking about our child, Prince. That sinking feeling I felt every time I would be reminded that I lost my son a lifetime ago still... still hurts me. I wasn't there to do anything. Although I avenged them, still it wasn't enough. Killing those bastards won't bring me, my son, back. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been for her, to have lost a part of you, to have lost the being that would have completed you. Those bastards robbed us of that opportunity. To think that we could close that chapter, never. It only left her a few sets of fresh scars. She could no longer conceive a child. And it was Persephone's dream to become a mom.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there" I begged her. I can feel the waterworks coming but I have to pull a strong front for the both of us. We can't sink together. That would be... disastrous. I buried my face in her hands but she held my face and raised it for me to look at her.

"I admit I'm still not okay. But what can I do? what happened, happened. I'm still asking, waiting and begging for answers. Because they often say that everything happens for a reason. I need my reason, Zach. But it looks like I can't have that. So I'm just drifting by every day. But I'm glad I have you with me now, I don't have to suffer alone anymore. I have you to hold unto, I have you to cry my eyes out to. But please remember, you also have me. You can cry to me, I know it hurts you too Zach. You don't have to carry me on your back all the time, I can do that for you too. We are in this together. For better or for worst." She said and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

And then and there, for the first time, I broke down in front of my wife. I truly wept for my son. She just held me on her knees as her finger was playing through my hair to calm me down.

"I've always wondered how he would have turned out. But I bet he would have had your brains. He would have been so smart, like you. He would have turned out as handsome as you. Breaking hearts everywhere without knowing. A heartbreaker I tell you" She said forcing a laugh out of her. What could have been's are the worst.

I looked at her and tried to smile

"he would have had your gentle heart, the kindest kid ever. Your patience, he should inherit that you don't want another stubborn Larson in your hands, my love. Your eyes, my god your eyes. Imagine if he got your stormy eyes. He would have been beautiful." I said to her.

She just choked a laugh out of her.

"I wish we could see that. But it's impossible Zach. I can't carry a child anymore. It's a whole level of torture. Knowing I could never have a child with you. It hurts because you at least deserve that Zach." She sobbed

"No no no no Baby. I don't care if we adopt as long as I raise a family with you, that's all I ever wanted. A family with you. As long as you're the one I wake up to every morning, the one I go home to every night. I'm set. I only need you Persephone and I'm set." I assured her and kissed her knuckles. 

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