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I was angry as hell, and you know what I did? I threw the Ziplocs at him and it hit him right in the cheek causing him to groan

"Okay! okay! You amazon! Stop hitting me with your tiny little hands!" he said and took hold of my flinging arms "I only said those things to bring you out of the house. I am that desperate." He said and rolled his eyes at me as he set my hands down and look outside to the large screen in front of us

I sort of calmed down because thank God nothing bad happened to my mom, But I'm pretty sure something was coming for this Bastard, how dare he drag me from my cave! I just huffed on my seat and focused on the screen in front of me and saw the words "The Vow" written on it. Okay, people! I'm informing you about the Niagara falls that are about to burst from this car.

The movie finally started and here I was quietly munching on my ice cream. Honestly, it feels good to be able to go outside again. It's been a long time since I just went out to have fun and just enjoy myself. I missed this.

"I remember you saying you wanted to go to one of these drive-ins get a hang of what it feels like back in college. I-I hope you're having a good time Persephone" He said suddenly which caused me to glance at him.

Yeah College, I love that particular time in my life's timeline. Everything was so simple although I was going through Hell because of the thesis and the defenses. I'd still pick going back and just have a do-over. But unfortunately, life doesn't work that way we have to make use of what we have now and in my case the misery pothole that is my life. I don't really know how to turn this shit around or is that even possible.

"It's been what? Six months? I haven't been outside for six months for starters and you of all people dragged me out. But yeah, I guess..thanks?" I murmured the last part as I looked away and focused on the movie again but I hope it was loud enough for him to hear, I don't like repeating myself.

"We should go out more then?" He asked now looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I gulped and looked anywhere but him "Nah, I'm better off in my r-r-room" Damn I stuttered.

"Come on Persephone, I-" He stopped and sucked in a deep breath " I-I know I've been demoted from your best friend to the #1 scum of the earth but at least let me try and make it up to you," He said and reached out for my hand that was placed neatly on my legs. He gave it a small squeeze. Although his close proximity still has it's effects on me it became a bit tolerable, yes I may be shaking from time to time and I still can't maintain eye contact but hey, how will I fight the monster If I can't stand the sight of him? Who is he, Medusa?

"Stop talking, start doing Zachary. Walk your talk." I said

"Lay a finger, and the arm comes next. Ever heard of that saying Zachary?" I asked him with a sinister tone

"I heard no such things! You just made that up Persephone!" He sulked like a little kid

"Oh Zachary, it means that people like you.. Don't change. That monster will always be there inside of you. It's just waiting for the perfect timing to come know? like I'll provoke you at some point and he'll come out like spitfire. Trust me." I said every single word with conviction as I look at him and after that, I looked away.

He was supposed to talk back but I shushed him because it was my favorite part, when they were saying their vows.

"I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not, to agree to disagree on red velvet cake, and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home," Said Paige the main girl protagonist, trust me you'll love her if you've seen mean girls. This woman is practically a legend.

"I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. And to always know in the deepest part of my soul that no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find our way back to each other." Said Leo, you'd be kidding me if you don't know Channing Tatum?..... yeah ladies, I know you know him.

It took me back to my wedding vow to this guy beside me, He was intently watching the film while I was silently watching him from the corners of my eyes.

"I Persephone Marie Argos, take you, Zachary Larson as my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to, laugh with you even for the lamest reasons. I'll cry with you when the world gets too rough, I'll lift you up when you give up, I'll love you in your best more so in your worst.I'll still be your best friend, the one who watches tv-series with you, the one who'd bring you your coffee when you want a daily dose, the one who makes you laugh with her impersonations, the one you call a midget, the one who supports you in everything and watch over you and see every stupid decision you made yet, still loving you. I promise to stay with you through everything."

And I was true to my vow, I still did stay. No matter how tough it was I was still there beside him. His vow was just a random statement, for the sake of the audience, he had to do that. That was not a vow, that was a fucking rip off from google. At least someone had an authentic vow at their wedding right? I feel the bubble of anger inflate inside me and I was so close to lashing out on him. When suddenly I felt something slide unto my fingers I looked at it and saw a cheese ring in my ring finger placed neatly there.

"I know I did a shitty vow on our marriage." He said

"Really? It wasn't that obvious" I scoffed at him

"But here goes nothing. I, Zachary Larson took Persephone Marie Argos-Larson as my lawfully wedded wife and I admit I did a shitty job at that for the past six months. But..if- no I'm done asking for permission to prove myself but she'll see I'll change. You'll see. I vow to take care of you the way you deserve, like a Princess- a queen rather. I vow to be strong enough to withstand your sarcasm and harshness but given the situation we are in I know I deserve it, just please let me in. I vow to give you ice cream from here and then but I know you're lactose intolerant and giving you that pint will be a regret later but hey- ice cream makes you happy. I vow to make you laugh the way you do before- that loud laugh. God! I miss that so much, I vow to wrestle with you and let you win not because you are my wife but you really are strong I swear. I vow to..treat you with the utmost respect and no one will hurt you as long as I live. I have so many things left to say but I'd rather walk my talk like what my incredible wife told me. I'll be with you through everything no matter how bad it gets, I'll be there from now on"

With my mouth agape, I finally understood what this impact thingy Channing Tatum was talking about in the movie.

The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves the potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these. You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may. And wait. For the next collision.

I don't want the next collision, I've had enough please make this stop.

I'm scared of what will happen to me if that happens, I don't want to fall into that hole again I barely made it out alive look at me!

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