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I swore if the sun could kill me, it could have. With the sun's rays were poking through my vision my sleep was short-lived. I grunted when I felt someone shift beside me. A movement- it must be Persephone. I heard her faint footsteps and the soft tug of the sheets off of the bed and heard the bathroom door closed. I didn't bother getting up, she can handle herself.

I jolted awake when I heard a ruckus from my bathroom. I gathered my clothes and dressed up as I ran to the bathroom door to open it just to see what she was up to. But it was locked, I needed to force this for it to open. But as soon as I opened my mouth to call her I heard her wailing- I felt her pain... I was beyond alarmed! What the hell was happening with her. I leaned my back unto the door and slid myself down and sat there listening to her cries while clutching my head in my hands.

The memories from last night started flooding my senses and I swear I wanted to disappear forever. What have I done? That would be the first question that would pop into my mind every time I acted savagely with her.

I listened to her wail and cry her heart out on the other side of the door. After a solid thirty minutes of sitting there, I heard silence but the water running.

I walked to my nightstand and pulled out the key from the drawer and walked towards the door to open it. I silently entered the room and searched where she was. The shower was empty, she was not by the sink so she must be in the tub. I walked farther until I reached the tub. I saw my comforter lying on the ground and saw it had blood on it. My heart instantly picked up as if panicking.

You raped her, said the voice in my head.

I felt bile coming up from my throat and I almost wanted to throw up. I walked further and saw her at the tub. Her back was to me and she was scrubbing herself with the sponge and was hissing.

"get it off of me" She hissed silently in pain as she scrubbed thoroughly.

"Please" She sobbed "I'm dirty. I'm dirty" She said over and over as she scrubbed herself.

She stilled for a moment and thrashed in the tub spilling water all over the floor.

"I'm fucking useless!!!" She shouted thrashing in the water while being a sobbing mee.

She cried some more while I watched behind her. She hugged her knees and swung herself back and forth as she sniffled.

I broke at the sight of her, I broke my best friend.

I could see the stitches and some dark and fading bruises on her back. It was like a mirror, I was seeing the kind of monster I was.

You did that, again, said the voice

I clenched my hand wanting to hit something, I wanted to hit myself.

She deserved it, admit it. Said the harsh voice.

"5 months, 5 months, 5 months" She repeated all over

We've been married for 5 months, she's been suffering that long. No matter how hard I tried to hold myself back, anger consumed me... breaking her was something I was good at.

It was because I knew her well enough, I knew what will break her and I used our friendship.

Everything hit me like a brick and I stumbled a bit causing me to hit the garbage can making it thud. She whipped her head to my direction and her eyes pierced through mine. It must have been the most she's shown me.

She was so pale, her mascara was running down her cheeks. She had bruises and cuts on her face, her lips were a bit swollen and were also a bit cut, I could also make out the outline of my necktie on her neck. You could see bruises and gashes on her skin. The gashed must be from the scrubbing she's been doing.

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