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It's been three months. Three months of hell. I was currently in my office swamped in papers to be signed, to be read and others to be rejected. Work was the only thing distracting me from everything that is happening. Everything that reminds me of her, no wonder I don't go back to my house. I don't sleep there often, I'd rather stay in my office and bury myself in work than to be faced with a silent and empty house. I was doing...okay. That's what Persephone would've wanted. For me to be happy or to be okay at least, and not mope around. I was startled when my door suddenly flew open and here comes my new intern, Samantha literally falling face-first in my office. I grunted at her clumsiness, she always managed to trip unto something even if it's air. I swear only God knows what's gonna happen to her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Larson!" She squeaked.

"It's fine try not to kill yourself next time, my company has no insurance for stupidity." I spat at her as she shakily placed the paper in front of me and scurried out in a hurry.

In the middle of my boss mode, my phone suddenly rang and saw it was Leslie, Persephone's mother. She's been calling me almost every week to check on Persephone but what would I know about her whereabouts right now, If I did I would have dashed to where the hell she was and drag her back home. It's not a home without her.

Everything that happened to us at my party was a mistake not what happened really hell, I don't even regret the kiss, nothing happened. But I know it, our first night together proved that...when..when I forced her. God! I couldn't even think about that, I never knew I could do that to her or to anyone really.

"Hello, Leslie," I answered

"Hey Zachary, How's Persephone?" She asked directly

I swallowed "Uhm she's fine...Always tiring herself by cleaning the hou-" I was cut off

"Let's cut the bull Zachary, where is my daughter." She asked

well shit.

"She's home" I quickly answered

"Then why the hell is she not answering the door? If she knew I was out here she would've leaped from the second floor to the gates if she knew her mom was outside."She said grimly

Now I was scared, no wonder my dad was scared of my mom when she talks business.

"Let's meet in the cafe down the street. I'll be there in 5" I answered as I dashed outside and went to her.

When I reached the ground floor, I was even contemplating if I was even going to show. Like hell, you will! It's the only thing I could do. I know Leslie can be a beast when provoked, just like how Persephone is. You'd really think they were biologically connected if you didn't know them. My heart was beating erratically as I stopped on every stoplight. My cover was blown! I could no longer cover up for Persephone, I didn't know until the first time Leslie called me to ask for Persephone that's when it struck me. She didn't tell her mother she was going away for God knows how long. I just hope it's not forever.

I got out of my car as soon as I saw the cafe, I can see Leslie through the window sipping her tea while scanning the place if there was any sign of an asshole namely me. If I wanted a clean slate, I have to do things right and come clean. To hell with her hating me! I will deal with it, I deserve it. All of it.

as I neared the cafe I took a deep breath readjusted my suit and walked to where Leslie was. As soon as I entered the cafe almost every pair of eyes was on me. Come on, call me cocky and everything but I know I'm above average. Many girls have tried it with me these past few months but I thought about Persephone. The girls that approached me didn't even take a gasp out of me, nor did I feel anything-- even an ounce- nothing. I never found the one Persephone was talking about, maybe I did but...I was an asshole.

"Hey Leslie, It's good to see you," I said and hugged her for formality.

"Hello sweetie. Let's cut the chase, shall we? Where is my daughter?" She said sternly and placed her cup on the table as she crossed her legs and arms as she leaned back and looked at me as if digging my own grave.

"On a vacatio-" before I could finish my sentence she cut me off

"I call bullshit Zachary, my daughter does not travel alone. She's afraid of traveling alone now where is she and what did you do to my gem" She said as if already planning my death.

Fuck! if she knew what I did, not only will she plan my death. She will plan my damn will for me and throw me in the grave with her bare hands. But she deserves to know..what kind of monster I was.

"I-...I drove her away Leslie...and there was no stopping her.. I-I tried but..she wouldn't budge Leslie." I said with my stare cast down afraid to meet her eyes.

"What did you do Exactly Zachary. My poor gem may be hurt for you to have done that...She doesn't give up easily on people Zach. You know that. "She said her eyes watering.

"I--I treated her badly... I treated her the way a woman shouldn't be treated. I failed as a husband, a friend and as a human being.. I'm sorry.."I said clutching my head in my hands

"You never laid a hand on her did you?..."She said shock laced through her voice "You didn't right Zachary? Sweetie, please tell me I'm wrong" She said as a tear slowly cascaded down her left cheek she slowly covered her mouth as she sobbed

"I'm sorry Leslie.. anger consumed me. I tried to make up for it weeks before she went away. But it wasn't enough.." I said lowly

"My daughter loved you with everything she had! She gave you everything she is and all she ever had! She fought for you! I trusted you because I thought you were the one! I-I-I thought you were this Prince charming who swept her off her feet. She did nothing but be there for you...she chose you all over and over again!" She shouted at me not even bothering to see that the people around us were looking at us.

"My baby must've gone through so much with you and yet. And yet.. .she chose to stay with you. That's how much she loves you she will choose you again and again if she has can you hurt someone who did nothing but love you for everything that you are?. She always hoped for the best when it came to you she believes in you so much, so much that she believes you can do're a monster, Zach. A monster who does not value genuine love when it's right in front of him.."She said and sat down collecting her purse.

"I did. I always did, but I was just too late. If I could just have a do it all over again, I a heartbeat. "I said looking at her

"This is the real world, Zachary. There are no take-backs, no rewinds, no pauses, even second chances are a scarcity. Bring me back my daughter Zach. Don't let me find her first" She said and stood up

"If I do, there'll be no way in hell I'm letting a bastard like you go near my daughter ever again. Mark my words Zachary. I'll bring my daughter back to me if it's the last thing I'll do.' "She said and stormed off.

Fuck, I have to find her and fast. Persephone would come running to her mother's arm in just a phone call.

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