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Finally, my day is over and I could go back to Persephone. I brought her flowers, every time I visit her I make sure that I have flowers with me because I remember her telling me that she'd love to receive flowers from me someday. And ever since she said that I brought her flowers every day for the past two months. I was nearing her room when I heard Leslie's voice. She was shouting hysterically and for a second there I got scared. So I picked up my pace and reached her

"You son of a bitch!" She shouted and harshly pointed a finger at Doctor Walsh who stood there trying to calm her down.

I finally reached her.

"Leslie, Leslie what happened?" I asked her

She just looked at me with fear, anger, and sadness in her eyes. It was all too familiar, this was how she looked at me when I came clean to her about Persephone a few months ago. My heart did a quick leap and I no longer waited for her to answer. I ran straight to Persephone's room to check on her. But it was empty. What's happening? She wasn't supposed to be discharged now, we were meant to transfer her to our house after months of being cooped up here.

I walked out of the room and grabbed the doctor by the collar.

"Where the hell is my wife!?" I asked him increasing the pressure I had on his neck

"Mr. Larson -aghk! Calm down!! please follow me" Doctor Walsh said through his gritted teeth

I immediately loosened my grip on him and set him on the ground. He started walking and we followed him wherever he was going. I looked behind me and saw Leslie was distraught. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it as a sign of comfort. We walked until we reached the end of a hallway. Doctor Walsh opened the room and stepped in.

It was dark... and cold what could Persephone be doing here.

Doctor Walsh turned around and faced us.

"I need both of you to understand what I'm about to say. It wasn't easy for me and I'm sure it won't be easy for you. I just did my job-" I cut him off

"Your job was to help and cure her, where is she"

He stepped aside and opened a small door. He pulled something out and what I saw broke my world.

"I'm...Im sorry for your loss Mr. Larson" He said lowly

I couldn't believe it.. the love of my life was dead. We were in a morgue. She was here... I didn't know what happened.

Leslie just fell on the ground clutching her heart wailing at the sight of her daughter's lifeless body in front of her. I took small steps towards her with a strangled sob making its way out of me until I knelt in front of her.

"No no no babe. You're joking, right? This must be some kind of prank! No! What happened !? She was doing fine!! Why wasn't I informed!? Who the fuck did this to her!!? God damn it!!" I shouted at the Doctor clutching her head in my hands and just flat out cried my heart out.

You could only hear our cries in the morgue. A mother who lost her only child. A guy who lost his world. I couldn't even think straight at the moment.

"She requested it." He answered

Leslie and I stilled upon hearing this.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE REQUESTED IT!?" I said and made my way to him. I was so ready to fucking hit him with everything that I had.

"Euthanasia. She requested for it, Mr. Larson. She wanted to end her pain and suffering peacefully. She wanted to pass silently." He said solemnly

( Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering. Different countries have different euthanasia laws.)


"Please do know that it is legal in this country. We aid our patients with their needs. We talked to her about it if she was sure. We had her go through panels of interviews and examinations just to make sure it wasn't just a lapse in her judgment. She was really intent on doing it. Every time we asked her she would always answer yes. We had these examinations and interviews for a month just to see if she was consistent. If she was sure. If she would back out. But then... her date came and she was still sure about her decision." He stated

I fell on my knees and flat out cried my heart out.

"I-I can't understand...she was doing good" I whispered to myself while on my knees

"Her heart wasn't going to recover, even though we tried to hide it she knew. Because she's actually the vessel that carries the heart" He explained further

"My baby!!!!" Leslie wailed pain was laced in her words.

My mind was swirling with thoughts, with questions that need an answer. I was shaking with pain and I couldn't even breathe properly. My heart was hurting and so was my soul. I asked myself is this what love is? losing someone means losing a part of you, in my case I know that I lost myself. I felt so stupid, I could've had been there for her. I should have asked her every day how she was doing. But how? She avoids the topic like a fucking plague. I don't know how I could deal with this right now. I wasn't enough of a reason for her to stay. Her mother wasn't, her life wasn't enough of a reason for her to stay. I racked my brain with reasons and questions.

It was the only thing running through my head.

Questions that needed answers. I cried until there was nothing.

Everything was hurting all over.

I quickly got up from my bed catching my breath. It was a dream, for the past few months its been like this. The most traumatizing day of my life has been reduced to a fucking dream—A nightmare.

I stood up and walked to the balcony to get fresh air. I isolated myself after her funeral. I went and bought a house by the beach. It's what she would have wanted, she liked the outdoors so much especially the beach. I bought this in memory of her. I will not let her death be in vain. I will do everything in service of her memory. No one can tell whether there'd be another Persephone in my life. Maybe not in this lifetime.

Persephone Marie Argos was one of a kind, and she was my wife. My love for her will remain irrevocable.

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