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"Persephone, we have a gala to attend later, I have your gown with me," Zach said after a series of knocks.

I was pulled out of my reverie when I head Zach's voice. I walked to the door and opened it to let him in. He was still in his suit from work, clearly, he just got home. He had a few shopping bags in his hands. He settled the bags on my bed and looked at me while I was still holding onto the doorknob looking at him approach me.

"Mom gave me an invitation to the gala a partner is hosting. She said It'd be nice if we go there together." He said with his hands in his pockets waiting for my answer.

I just nodded at him and looked at the ground.

"Uhm... I don't know a thing about what you girls wear. I just had my assistant buy you a few dresses you could pick from as well as a few shoes and accessories." He explained

"Thank you," I said lowly

"I'll leave you to prepare. I'll be back in two hours." He said and went out of my room.

I locked the door behind me, and I approached the bundle of shopping bags he placed on my bed. I took the items all out and saw it was a bunch of necklaces and shoes. I then moved to the big box that he had with him and opened it. I removed the paper that was shielding my view from the dress. It might be the prettiest dress that I ever saw-of course nothing beats the wedding gown I wore at my wedding, but this comes close. It was a turtle neck and long-sleeved gown with a solid flaring skirt. It was red and then fades into a skin-toned ombre further down the length of the gown, it was only knee-length. SO that means I needed to wear heels.

I left the items on the bed after I was done arranging the whole outfit. I took a warm bath to freshen up, after taking my bath I wrapped my hair with a towel as well as my body. I went to the vanity first to do my makeup before I put on the beautiful dress. As I glance up at the mirror, I froze. How was I even going to cover this up? My bruises were healing by now but that doesn't mean they've faded already. Sure, a few days have passed but it was still there- a bit bluish. Good thing it was a turtle neck that means I don't have to cover my body with makeup, that was a relief that I'd only have to worry about my face. I grabbed all the foundation I had just to see If I had one that covers everything magically with a few applications. As soon as I found the right foundation I began applying it to my face and just did a simple makeup, I wasn't going all out because it's not my party.

This was the first time I got to feel like myself again, it's been a long time since I took care of myself. I stood up and went to grab my dress to put it on. I placed it on top of my body just to check it in the mirror. It really is beautiful; Zach must have spent a fortune on this one. I took a deep breath as I took the towel off of my body.. and there I saw the truth. I had bruises all over my body as well as stitches. I looked hideous; no wonder Zach never wanted me. I basically look like a fucking voodoo doll; I traced my bruises lightly with my fingertips. I choked out a sob as I remember how I got them. I slid into the dress and wanted to zip it up. When suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Persephone?" Asked Zach and twisted the doorknob to open the door.

I held onto the dress when he entered.

"You having any trouble?" He asked

"Y-yes...I c-cant zip it up" I said with my head down not being able to look at him.

"Oh," He said as I see his feet stop right in front of mine. "Here let me help, turn around" I turned around facing the mirror again.

I saw our reflection, and damn he looked good. I felt him reach for the zipper but he stopped.

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