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I killed her.

Those were the words that kept going on and on in my head. She stopped breathing and I swear I saw her close her eyes with a faint smile etched on her lips. As soon as she closed her eyes, I shook her a bit just to make sure. But when she didn't move I stumbled and fell down while looking at her on the bed and then on my hands. I was washed over by fear! I hurriedly reached over the telephone on her nightstand and called the medics. I just knelt beside the bed shaking watching her as if she was asleep- just like I did these past few weeks.

I killed... I did.

I'm a monster! My brain was near a colossal breakdown. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard sirens and ran to our doorstep to usher the paramedics in and revive her if they can. I don't know what came over me to hurt her. All I knew was, I was angry and hurt about everything. I had everything planned out with Lauren and I was sure it was her that I was going to marry. But when I saw Persephone lying next to me I swore I lost my shit and flipped out. That was where the shitshow began, and it all started going down from there.

I watched as the paramedics try to revive her. Then I remembered that I have to call Leslie to let her know something happened.

She deserved it. A little voice in my head whispered.

I was fucked up, and it was all because of her.

I lied to her mother, told her our house was robbed and I saw someone hurting her, and that the criminal escaped. I can't live with the thought of being a killer so I begged the paramedics to bring her back and they responded with the ever so cliché "we will do our best, sir"

I looked at her as the medics tried pumping air in her and I swear I felt the world being lifted up from my shoulders when I saw a movement in her chest. Thank God, I didn't kill her.

I've decided to set up her IV drip here instead of going to the hospital. We'll have the family doctor check on her after a few days or once she recovers.

After the paramedics did their job they went away after making me sign a few things and reminders. I went back to her room to watch over her. I looked at her closely, she was dead a few minutes ago. I almost killed her a few minutes ago, I couldn't get over it. Her face was covered with bruises, some had blood gushing out of it and a few bumps here and there- she looked beaten. And it was all me- I did those.

That wasn't enough. She deserved more the voice in my head said. I shook my head to get rid of the voice and clutched my head with my hands as I tried to calm myself.

I was removed from my trail of thoughts when suddenly our doorbell rang.

I rushed downstairs because that must be Leslie. I quickly opened the door and it revealed a tear-stained Leslie gasping.

"Where is my daughter?" She asked me and just with her voice I could feel she was breaking down more than she let on

"in her room, Leslie," I told her and led her to Persephone's room.

The moment I opened the door, Leslie dashed to Persephone's side and held her hand as she cried her heart out.

"Who might've done this to you, sweetie. I can't exist in a world without you" She sobbed clutching onto Persephone's hands.

She raised her head and looked at her daughter's bruised face and wept.

I did all of that, I was a monster. And there was no undoing it, I'd understand if Persephone wanted out of this marriage and I'd be willing to let her go. This has gone long enough, I'd already put her through so much.

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