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He has the ability to make my heart break and beat at the same time. And I honestly don't know how he does it. It's just one of Zachary's God-given gifts and a curse on my end.

After he said his vow, I slowly took my hand out of his hold and looked at the screen.

"It's so stuffy here," I said looking anywhere but him, I didn't even bother finishing the movie. I just had to get out of here, away from him back to the comfort of my room. I wanted to disappear.

I can feel him still looking at me.

"I know just the place," He said and pulled over and started driving away. I was in no mood to even look at him, I just can't. Why was he fighting a losing battle, it's not worth fighting-even I know that. I am just so tired of it all, he'll tire of me.

The road started getting darker and darker and only light posts were the only thing I could see, and the beautiful silhouette of the city. By the window I traced them.

We finally arrived and saw it was a cliff- it was breath-taking. A breath of fresh air, I missed the world sometimes. It sucks being cooped up in my room but I don't have any choice. I don't have many friends to hang out with so I didn't really have much of a choice. He turned off the engine and as if the cliff and skyline were calling unto me I slowly got out of the car and walked towards it.

It looked so beautiful, yet the people in it were so rotten what a shame.

"Persephone!" I feel Zach grab unto my wrist only to find out I was at the edge and a step closer would bring me to my inevitable end.

He grabbed me unto him and I landed on his chest. Upon realizing I was so close to him I pushed myself off of him.

"What's gotten into you!" He yelled at me

I couldn't answer him but looked at him straight in the eyes. And at that moment I could finally hold his stare much longer and not look away from the way I do before. I stood up and walked to the car and leaned on it as I watch the city, paying him no mind. He walked to me and in a heartbeat, he was hugging me.

"I thought I was gonna lose you" He murmured as he kissed my hair.

"You lost me twice remember," I answered him coldly. As I slowly peel myself off him.

"Persephone.." he slowly loosened his hold on me and looked at me.

"You lost me when you almost killed me..You lost me when you took me by force." I finally said to him.

I was so tired of crying over him, because of him. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted everything to stop. I wanted me to stop breathing. If I had any sense in my body, I gathered every bit of him to tell him what I did.

He looked at me the way he does every time I'm like this. Every time I slap him with the reality that he has hurt me.

"Let's file a divorce. Please put yourself, Put us out of our misery." I said still looking at him.

"I'm not miserable." He said as if it hurt him.

The twinkling city lights illuminated his face from this view. I'll miss you. That was the first thing that popped into my head. I'll miss waking up and seeing him in the kitchen regardless if we were okay or not. I'd miss him. And everything that came with him.

"You are! Every time you look at me I see the What If's! Do you think I could live with that?! Knowing I ripped every chance you had of being happy-" I shouted at him

"No! I AM HAPPY! With you.." He said

"There is a difference between being happy and trying to be! I don't want you trying! I don't want you to settle! I want you to be happy" I said standing straight.

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