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It's been months of searching for Persephone. I just wish her mother didn't get to her first or I'll be in for a lot of work. I'm talking about romantic movie work levels. But no! I'm not giving up, how will I tell her to come back and come home with me? I don't even have her number to trace with.

I was really desperate. And at times like these, the only thing I could do was to blame myself. And having zero friends didn't help at all. I've come to realize I've had no friends besides Persephone. And look how that went- straight to hell might I add.

I've been cooped up in my office much more than I liked to be but I had no choice. I am this close to hiring a Private Investigator. But I think Persephone deserved more than that, I want her? I had to find her. I can't go back to my house, every time I walk out the door I remember the day she walked away from me with that sad smile on her face. Letting her walk away was by far the hardest thing I ever witnessed. Do you know that messed up feeling inside you where you really have no choice, it's either you keep pulling her to you but you end up hurting her yet again or I let her walk away and just let myself crumble. I picked the latter, she deserves it. She deserved peace and not the hell I've put her through. For the first few months, I tried searching the vicinity, I went to numerous bus stops or terminals hell even the airport. And the Irony is, my family's expertise lies in the field of transportation yet I can't find the woman who mattered the most to me when I finally used the cards I've been holding-my businesses.

I was- no I am still a mess without her. Every time I am alone, every time I close my eyes I remember the first time I hit her. Her face was the only thing embedded on my brain-she was scared of me and it chipped away the rest of my pieces.

I will never drink again!! Of course that was the very logical thing to say when you've had too much to drink. You regret it instantly.

But you know what I regretted the most? Meeting her.

Because of her, I LOST the love of my life. I lost the only person that made everything worthwhile. I lost the person that was meant to be a piece of me up until the future.

I've been married to Persephone for a week now and as much as I hate to say this, I don't even recognize myself anymore. I've become this worthless piece of shit and a drunkard If I may add. I hated what I became and I blame her for ruining me. I can feel my fist balling up as I dragged myself up the staircase miserably failing even but I had to get to my room.

Suddenly, the door near the staircase opened and it spat the vilest being to ever grace the planet, unfortunately, my wife-- Persephone.

She was wearing her satin shorts and an oversized shirt a messy bun decorated her head.No matter how...beautiful she looked I still hated her with everything I had in me.

She rushed to me and held me by the arm helping me to stand up. I pushed her hand away which left her staggering in the stairs but she held her balance.

"Zac..where have you been? You reek of alcohol! Are you fine?" She asked and cupped my cheeks.

I searched her eyes it was full of concern..and love, again, unfortunately.

"Whad'ya care" I slurred and pushed her hands away and struggled walking up the staircase. I suddenly felt her hand place itself on my arm and help me but I spun around and immediately saw red.

"Stop clinging unto me for fuck's sake!! I hate you! Don't come near me you ruined everything! Stop acting like you care!" I spat at her

Hurt was evident on her face and tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes.

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