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We stumbled into my room. I swear I don't know how she can hold that much liquor in her tiny body. As soon as we entered my room she immediately jumped to the bed making herself comfortable. Comfortable was putting it lightly; my house was already like her own house. We had tons of cram nights together where we sit in my bed being miserable because we wanted to get that diploma, but most times it's just me dragging her ass off from the bed to actually study. I smiled at the memory as I saw her wobble on the bed like a kid. She was facedown grunting her pounding head away, while I look at her from a distance. Suddenly she sat down on the bed and was barely doing so but she still did. She looked around the room until her eyes landed on me. She didn't say anything, she was just smiling at me with her eyes slightly closed. I walked to my bed and sat in front of her. As she felt the bed dip she blinked her eyes hard enough to keep it open with a dazed smile on her lips.

"You look just like the boy I love," She said after a hiccup and giggled.

A fact that I haven't absorbed yet. My feelings were still all over the place and I haven't analyzed them yet.

"Persephone-" She cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips

"Shh shhh! Let me talk! I ran off like a chicken when he was in front of me!" She said and giggled again "I never knew what a crush was, I was too busy repaying my mom with everything she did for me. I never had time to, you know, be a normal teenager. Never had a crush because no one can trust High School boys! Haha," she snorted "And I sure as hell can't trust college guys, all they want is get into my skinny jeans! Until he came along..the mighty Zachary Larson swept me off my feet by predicting who killed Jason Blossom- bt dubs it's not exactly how romcoms do it but it is what it is with him." She said and traced my face with her finger.

"He was perfect, my kind of perfect. Sure, he can be dense sometimes and a bit stupid. But I still love him.. even if he isn't in love with me. Funny how love works right?! It's bonkers!" She said laughing with tears in her eyes.

I just looked at her as she calmed herself from laughing. When she finally did, she became silent until her shoulders started shaking and few hiccups here and there. She was crying, She was hurt...

"I- I know I told him I'd be fine. That I'd be okay. That we'd go back to the way that we were before..but I think I can't. But I can't lose him too... I still want to be beside him. But it sucks that it hurts because I couldn't do anything."She says to herself.

She then raised her head to look at me.

"What am I lacking? Tell me, maybe. Maybe there's something I can change to make him like me. I may not be a Lauren but.. maybe I can be half as pretty as her if I try right?" She asked me searching for answers under her drunken daze.

It hurts me to see her this way, it really does. Especially knowing I'm the one who made her feel like this. She was beautiful in her own right, she didn't need to wear short skirts like Lauren to be one. She can wear a sweatshirt and a skinny jean and she'd glow beautifully. God, I wanted to tell her she was beautiful. But why would she believe the guys who made her feel this way? I can't stand watching her cry, because throughout the years I've known her she never cried. Even when she failed two classes at once and had to retake them the next semester- she didn't break.

"You already are." I just simply said

"If I was he would have seen me, If I was he would have picked me. If I was he would have loved me." She said with a tinge of anger behind her words.

I cradled her face in my hands and made her look at me.

"I see you.. clearly more than ever," I said and leaned in.

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