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"Hmmmmm," Said Persephone looking through the glass that holds different flavors of Ice Cream.

"What do cookies and cream taste like?" she asked me as she scanned the flavors.

"like heaven! But I bet you'll like bubblegum" I recommended to her.

That was her favorite, I remember bringing her here a sophomore year.

"sure! Get that one instead" She said as she bounced lightly with excitement.

"Okay okay, We'll get you that," I said as I led her to a booth then came back to the cashier to order.

While waiting I turned to look at her and there she was, looking around the place.. the way she always does. She liked being near the windows every time we go to a restaurant, she always snorted at fancy chandeliers when we're at a fancy place.

I just missed her, just the thought of losing her forever was enough to make me hurl.

She caught me looking at her and she just smiled back, and I swooned at the display of that.

Finally, I got our orders and I started walking towards her but as I did someone had the audacity to go near her. The guys were actually making her nervous and anxious. She started looking anywhere but he and I couldn't have her breaking out in public.

"Hey dude, get out of my sight. You're making her uncomfortable" I glared at the guys as I slammed the bowl to our bowl- and thankfully, it didn't break.

"And who the heck are you to tell me that?" He cocked an eyebrow at me

I showed him my clenched fist with my ring on it.

"Her fucking husband. Now get out of my sight before I shove this down your throat" I threatened him gesturing to the ice cream on my available hand.

By the mention of a husband, the guy immediately pale and scrambled back to his seat where his friends were laughing their asses off.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner, I could have stopped that" I rambled

She just smiled at me and her anxiousness faded away when I saw the crease in her forehead lessen.

"It's okay Zachy. Now give me my ice cream" She reached for it and gladly gave it to her.

I looked at her as she devoured her ice cream and smiled to myself.

"Peony, do you want to go out of Asthatis?" I asked her

She looked up with a big grin on her face.

"Yes, please! I have no friends there" she pouted "And even though I love mashed potatoes I get really sick of it at times too" She huffed

"Well, come to live with me. It will be fun. There'd be tons of foods, games and you can wander around there too without someone grabbing you. Although we need to have a nurse with us, would that be okay?" I asked her



"Why?! I am her husband, I have the right to take her with me and take care of her! You have no right to deny me of this!" I said to her trying to calm myself when all I wanted to was to just lash out on her, but I had to reel in my anger

"She is ustable! Who will take care of her there?! Do you know how heavy the load is when taking care of someone like her?" She practically screamed at my face as she paced back and forth behind her desk

"She denied the help" She emphasized settling her palms on the desk and leaning towards me with a hateful glare.


"You will regret this. You wouldn't be able to take care of such liability" She rolled her eyes

I was honestly appalled to how she was acting right now, I didn't expect this from her. First, she was urging me to help Persephone recover but won't let me get her out?

I swear I could have flipped this stable. But I'm a new man, I wouldn't let my anger get the best of me. Never again.

"Liability? As someone who is seated in this position, in this very institution! You should never see the people here as a liability! Screw you!" I pointed a finger at her, all manners flew out the window when it came to my wife.

I can hear myself breathe heavily. I mustered every rage I have in my body and glared at her.

"I will do everything in my power to bring you down if you don't give me my wife. Mark my words Geraldine" I said to her and walked out of her office.

I headed to the wing where Persephone is. When I finally reached her room I saw her tidying her room up and Marissa was with her.

"Honey, where are you going? are you leaving granny?" She asked stroking Persephone's arms

"Yes granny, Zachy is taking me to his castle" She giggled and looked at Marissa.

"Are you sure? Do you really trust him?" She asked

She didn't speak for a while and my heart was instantly beating fastly.

"I don't know why, but I do. I feel like I know him and he's a good person" SHe said genuinely.

That was all I needed, she was all I needed. 

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