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I looked at her nervously. I mean I don't understand why I was scared? I can never understand the female anatomy when it comes to love.

"Yep, we've been married for a few months," I said

She was heaving heavily and was trying to calm herself. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly until she balanced it out. She opened her eyes and blew out a breath.

"Okay, okay I'm fine. I'm fine" She mumbled to herself

"It's... It's fine if you're not comfortable with this... we can find someone else" I said to her

"no, no... I'm a professional. I can't let something as immature as a crush to stain my career." She said and fixed her coat.

"I'm sorry, I was 6 years ago and I'm still sorry now. I never meant to break your heart but it was better than stringing you along" I told her in all honesty.

"I appreciate that I guess I never know how different you were from the boys back there." She mumbled to herself

"yeah... I guess so, I was awkward as fuck" I said and scratched the back of my neck gently.

"Yeah, you awkwardly cute and my teenage self seems to be attracted to that," She said with a soft smile on her face. I returned the smile to her.

I'm glad we had this talk, everyone needed a closure. Me and Persephone's brief separation because we had a proper goodbye. She didn't run away from me like the way she should've. She left me with a decent goodbye and I think it made me fall asleep a bit better. But where are we now? Practically nowhere.

"So tell me all about her," She said

"Well, we stuck to each other ever since College started. We became friends because I caught her watching a series I liked. So I approached her and watched it with her. Since then we stuck together like glue." I remembered the first time we met. "She was funny, she was crazy yet reserved. And I liked that about her, I even loved her without knowing it. And then.. a few things happened from then on and my parents urged us to get married and we did." I said

I was telling our story without all of the horrific details. I can't bear what would happen If I laid all the truth out there. What would people think of me? It was one of my selfish fears.

"But then somethings weren't working out in our marriage. So our next option was taking a break from each other. She moved to the next city and worked there for a bit and I was going on without my life and I didn't even run after her when she left.." I paused, I can feel my heart breaking all over again just remembering what happened "And then a month ago I went to the institute she was admitted in, not because I knew she was there but because my mother donated to that institution and had me go and represent her to see how things were running. I just bumped into her and immediately knew she was there. I-I" I was stuttering by this point

It was too hard to tell a person everything that happened. From our fights to my mistakes to my regrets. It ate me up all over again. Just when I thought I had it handled the monster inside my head crept in again.

"I-I thought she was just working there but when I saw her in a room and in a hospital gown. I just.. I couldn't look at her. Because everything came back up again, the regrets and the fears. It ate me alive." I said and took a big breath because the next thing I was about to say was where all of this shit show began.

"I asked her nurses and the head of the institution about what happened to her. T-they told me she was raped. A nurse working there saw her. Thank God he did. We had a baby on the and she had a miscarriage because of the assault, she lost the child Jenna... she almost took her life because of it" I said and felt tears streaming down my face. I cupped my face to shield my face from her scrutinizing stare. " I shouldn't have let go... I should have pulled her back and worked on our issues..together" I said and cried.

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